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GPTZero is a startup that offers a product designed to detect whether text has been generated by AI tools like ChatGPT. This detection is important for various sectors such as education, media, and publishing. The company was founded by Princeton student Edward Tian and launched in January 2023. With a team spread across different locations, GPTZero has quickly gained popularity, with over 4.5 million monthly active users and more than 25,000 paying subscribers. Their mission is to bring transparency to individuals navigating a world filled with AI-generated content.

Users can simply paste the text they want to check into the provided box on GPTZero’s platform or upload a PDF or Word document for scanning. The tool will provide a result indicating the likelihood that the text was generated by AI and the percentage probability of this. For example, when testing the tool with a modernized version of the US Constitution, the AI detection indicated a high probability of AI generation. The tool is designed to be user-friendly and provides valuable insights into the origin of the text being analyzed.

With a free GPTZero account, users can scan up to 40 documents per hour, check up to 10,000 words per month, and access an online dashboard. Paid options offer more features such as increased word limits, batch file scanning, writing feedback, plagiarism scanning, and advanced data security. While reviews of the GPTZero Chrome extension may vary, the company emphasizes that the tool is a starting point for identifying AI-generated content and recommends additional steps to verify authenticity.

GPTZero constantly trains its models and releases updates regularly to improve accuracy and performance. The company also offers a Writing Report tool that tracks a document’s creation process, allowing users to demonstrate their editing work and provide additional context. This AI startup is part of a larger landscape of artificial intelligence activity and aims to help users navigate the growing prevalence of AI-generated content. For more information on AI and related topics, users can explore CNET’s AI Atlas hub, which includes product reviews, news, tips, and explainers.

Overall, GPTZero provides a valuable service for individuals and organizations looking to verify the authenticity of text generated by AI tools. With its user-friendly interface, affordable pricing plans, and ongoing updates to improve performance, the startup is poised to become a key player in the AI detection market. By offering transparency and insights into the origin of text, GPTZero helps users make informed decisions and maintain integrity in their work.

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