The municipal bond market is a treasure trove of data, with information on trades, macroeconomic trends, yield curves, financial performance, and more. The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) is a key player in providing comprehensive and publicly accessible data on all aspects of the market. Other financial data providers, such as Merritt Research Services and DPCData, also offer in-depth financial information on bond issuers and funded projects.
In addition to financial data, bid wanted and request for price lists provide valuable market information on bond pricing and trade sizes. S&P Global Market Intelligence tracks and accumulates key information on municipal bond underwriting, while Refinitiv’s TM3 offers yield curves that are considered the market’s primary source by many participants. Demographic and economic data from various government agencies provide additional insights into market trends and opportunities.
Apart from traditional data sources, social media, emails, and other communication platforms can also be used to gather market sentiment and insights. With the advances in AI technology, the ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately has become a reality. AI-driven models can analyze market data, identify investment opportunities, and execute trades in seconds, continuously learning and improving from their actions.
The abundance of data in the municipal bond market presents opportunities for AI to revolutionize how investment decisions are made. With the speed and accuracy of AI-driven models, investors can make more informed decisions and optimize their bond portfolios. This article is part of a series exploring the impact of AI on the municipal bond market, with the next article focusing on how AI is addressing pricing challenges in the market.