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Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has announced her plan to call for a vote to vacate Mike Johnson from his House speakership role. Greene, a Georgia Republican, initially raised this motion after Johnson worked with Democrats to pass a bill to fund the government but has since criticized him further after he also supported bipartisan bills to secure foreign aid for U.S. allies. Johnson’s ability to retain his position relies on minimal GOP defectors due to the party’s narrow majority. Representative Bob Good, who chairs the House Freedom Caucus, warned that ousting Johnson may not be in Donald Trump’s best interests as the former president has not signaled support for the move.

Good, a Virginia Republican, emphasized that Greene is primarily acting on her own with limited support from others and may not be considering the broader implications of her actions before the upcoming election. Trump, who is seen as the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, has not expressed support for Johnson’s removal and has been complimentary toward the House speaker. Good and other Republicans, including some of the most conservative members of Congress, have criticized Greene’s efforts as a distraction and mistake, urging her to reconsider her stance.

The House Freedom Caucus had previously voted to remove Greene from the group due to personal attacks against its members. In response to the backlash, Greene expressed indifference towards her colleagues’ opinions regarding her motion against Johnson. While she had previously supported Johnson for his conservative voting record, she claimed he had changed once he became speaker. Greene’s determination to push for Johnson’s ousting comes despite the lack of widespread support from within the party and potential consequences for Republican unity. Newsweek reached out to Greene’s office for comment but did not receive a response.

The ongoing dispute within the Republican Party highlights the divisions and tensions between different factions, with Greene representing the more conservative wing while facing resistance from fellow Republicans. Johnson’s leadership and ability to maintain his role remain uncertain as the vote on Greene’s motion approaches. The outcome of this internal struggle will not only impact the party’s dynamics but also reflect on Trump’s influence and the direction of the GOP leading up to the next presidential election. As the situation unfolds, it underscores the challenges and complexities facing the Republican Party as it navigates internal conflicts and broader political strategies.

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