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House Republicans have found President Biden guilty of “impeachable conduct” after months of impeachment inquiry, stating that he “abused his office” and “defrauded the United States to enrich his family.” The 292-page report prepared by the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee outlines evidence gathered to date, alleging that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his position as vice president for personal gain. The report claims that the Biden family received more than $27 million from foreign interests since 2014 and leveraged Biden’s position to secure over $8 million in loans from Democrat benefactors.

The impeachment inquiry report details instances where President Biden actively participated in the conspiracy by attending dinners and speaking with his family’s foreign business partners, benefiting financially from these interactions. The report cites a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian oligarch to Hunter Biden’s firm after a dinner attended by Biden, revealing a pattern of leveraging Biden’s position for financial gain. Republicans also accuse the Biden family of concealing the conspiracy by laundering funds through complicated financial transactions and breaking up large transactions into smaller ones to avoid detection.

House Republicans suggest that Biden’s participation in the conspiracy to enrich his family constitutes impeachable conduct, where he placed the welfare of his family above the interests of the United States. They argue that he also prioritized foreign interests over those of the American people, using his official position to conceal mishandling of classified information as a private citizen. Despite a recommendation against charges by the Special Counsel, the report highlights allegations from IRS whistleblowers regarding the handling of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes and suggests that the president’s actions may be grounds for impeachment.

The report further accuses Biden of influence peddling and grift, pointing to a pattern of conduct where his family lived a lavish lifestyle due to transactions that only occurred because of his official position in the government. House Republicans emphasize that not one of these transactions would have happened without Biden’s involvement, indicating a deliberate effort to conceal his role in the family’s influence peddling scheme. The report concludes by reminding that the Constitution outlines impeachment as the remedy for a president’s abuse of office, calling for a serious consideration of the evidence presented before taking action.

House Republicans initiated the impeachment inquiry in 2023, formalized by the full House of Representatives later that year. The report arrives after Hunter Biden’s suspension of his re-election campaign following pressure from the Democratic Party, and criminal referrals made by Republicans to the Justice Department charging him and James Biden with making false statements about the inquiry. Hunter Biden has already been found guilty on federal gun charges and faces a trial on federal tax charges set to begin in September. This impeachment inquiry report underscores the allegations of President Biden’s involvement in a conspiracy to use his position for personal gain, highlighting the need for accountability and potential impeachment proceedings.

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