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April has been a challenging month with the effects of Mercury retrograde in Aries and a turbulent eclipse season. However, there is a rare and auspicious planetary conjunction set to occur on April 20th, when Jupiter and Uranus will meet in the sign of Taurus at 21 degrees. This conjunction is expected to bring growth, transformation, and upheaval as the energies of luck and lightning combine.

The last time Jupiter and Uranus formed a conjunction in Taurus was in May of 1941, which coincided with significant events such as the end of the German bombing campaign against the UK known as The Blitz. Now, with Jupiter once again aligning with Uranus, breakthroughs, breakdowns, and revolutions are anticipated both on a personal and political level. The impact of this conjunction on individuals will vary depending on their astrological sign.

Astrologer Meghan Rose provides horoscope predictions for each sign, offering insights on how the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction may influence areas such as finances, relationships, and personal growth. For Aries, there may be shifts in finances and opportunities for a new career path. Taurus individuals may experience a redefinition of self and taking risks in personal expression.

Gemini may confront old wounds and transform past pain into something beautiful. Cancer is advised to be selective with their social circle for personal growth. Leo can expect career success and new opportunities. Virgo is encouraged to embrace new experiences that expand their consciousness and horizons.

For Libra, there may be sudden endings leading to new beginnings. Scorpio is urged to trust in the growth of their relationships. Sagittarius is advised to prioritize self-care and healthy habits. Capricorn may experience increased romantic opportunities by venturing outside their comfort zone. Aquarius is advised to redefine their sense of safety and security. Pisces can anticipate upgrades in their social circle and newfound confidence.

Overall, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is expected to bring significant changes and opportunities for growth in various aspects of life for individuals of all zodiac signs. Astrologers like Meghan Rose provide guidance on navigating these shifts and making the most of the transformative energies at play during this planetary alignment.

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