Generation Beta, born between 2025 and 2039, is the new generation that will shape the world in the coming decades. As the first generation to be raised in a world of technological integration, they follow Generation Alpha, who were born between 2010 and 2024. Gen Beta will make up roughly 16 percent of the world’s population by 2035, born to younger millennials and older Gen Zs. In Canada, the fertility rate is at a record low, with Gen Beta projected to make up less than 14 percent of the population by 2040.
Experts predict that Gen Beta will be the product of their times, influenced by the parenting styles of their late-millennial and early Gen Z parents, as well as the technology they interact with. The average age of parents in Canada is increasing, with parents of young children being nearly six years older on average in 2021 compared to 1981. This may indicate a trend of postponed childbearing, with potentially more mature parents raising Gen Beta children.
Born in the age of artificial intelligence, technology is expected to play a significant role in Generation Beta’s lives. They will likely be the first generation to experience autonomous transportation, wearable health technologies, and immersive virtual environments as standard aspects of daily life. However, their Gen Z parents may also limit screen time, presenting a balance between digital interaction and real-world experiences for Gen Beta.
Gen Beta won’t enter the Canadian workforce until 2039, when the minimum age to work is typically 14. The future of the workforce is expected to integrate AI, with Gen Beta developing the skill set to harness AI to make work more productive. They will face societal challenges such as climate change, global population shifts, and rapid urbanization. Adapting to new technologies will be a lifelong challenge for Gen Beta and future generations.
The implications of a smaller extended family with fewer cousins, uncles, and aunts for Gen Beta may shape their life experiences. Many Canadians are choosing to remain childless or have fewer kids, leading to potential consequences for Gen Beta. Staying on top of new technology will be crucial for Gen Beta, as they navigate friendships, education, and careers in a world where digital interaction is the default. As they live to see the 22nd century, they will face the challenge of adapting rapidly to emerging technologies that drive change in society.