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Gemini season is a time of heightened communication and curiosity, where chaos and gossip take center stage. Rachel Stavis, an exorcist and author, explains that during this time, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead becomes thin, allowing for increased communication with deceased loved ones. This thinning of the veil reflects the duality associated with the Gemini sign, symbolized by the twins and representing dark and light, masculine and feminine, and other opposing forces. This can lead to amplified energy levels, which may result in individuals feeling more anxious, tired, and excitable.

Stavis offers recommendations on how to protect your energy and safely communicate with the deceased during this time. Preparation involves placing black salt and fennel seeds outside your home to ward off negative energies, as well as adding roses and sunflowers indoors to attract positive spirits. Cleaning with Four Thieves Vinegar can clear and invite energy, serving as a spiritual cleanser in your living space. Setting clear intentions before attempting to communicate with the dead is crucial, as it helps focus your energy and intentions on receiving messages.

Communication with the deceased can come in various forms, so it is essential to keep an open mind and be observant of signs and messages. Signs may include flickering lights, doors opening or closing, feathers, coins, whispers, or other unusual occurrences. Stavis recommends a ritual for communing with the dead, which involves writing the deceased loved one’s name, keeping a personal item of theirs nearby, lighting a candle, and setting intentions for communication. This process requires paying close attention to any messages received, which can manifest in a variety of ways over the following weeks.

For those interested in astrology, astrologer Reda Wigle offers insights into planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign. Wigle’s horoscopes combine history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences to provide unique and informative readings. Individuals interested in learning more about their birth chart or seeking guidance based on astrological influences can connect with Wigle through her website. Astrology can offer additional perspectives on how planetary movements may impact our lives and relationships during Gemini season and beyond, providing valuable insights into energy fluctuations and communication.

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