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Embryo development begins with a single fertilized egg cell, which then undergoes continuous division to form a highly organized structure. An international team of researchers has emphasized the role of both chaos and organization in this process, presenting their findings in a publication in Science. Lab retreats are a valuable setting for researchers to engage with peers from different disciplines, sparking creative ideas and collaborations. A chance encounter at one such retreat led to a collaboration between researchers from different institutions, resulting in a comprehensive atlas of early mammalian morphogenesis.

The team analyzed the development of mouse, rabbit, and monkey embryos in space and time, revealing that individual events such as cell divisions are highly chaotic, yet the embryos end up looking very similar. A physical model was proposed to explain how embryos build structure from chaos. In the early stages of development, cells divide randomly until reaching a certain stage where they begin to converge towards a similar shape. The researchers were particularly intrigued by how embryos with highly complex shapes could be compared for similarities or differences, leading them to study the arrangements of cell-to-cell contacts as a simplification method.

The team discovered that understanding the physical interactions between cells offers insights into how embryos converge to a reproducible shape. By destabilizing most cell arrangements except for a few selective ones that lower the surface energy of the embryo, physical laws guide the formation of a specific morphology shared among mammals. This process of cells sticking together drives the embryo through successive rearrangements to achieve optimal packing, akin to solving a Rubik’s cube. The study highlights the significance of both chaos and organization in the development of mammalian embryos.

The research sheds light on the variability and robustness of mammalian embryo development, emphasizing the importance of chaos in generating complexity. The findings offer insights into understanding the mechanisms of developmental robustness, which is crucial for various fields like disease research, regenerative medicine, and fertility treatments. By gaining a better understanding of what constitutes normal development, scientists can apply this knowledge to identify abnormalities and improve outcomes in areas such as in vitro fertilization. The study provides a foundation for further research into the role of chaos and structure in embryonic development and its implications for various applications in the medical field.

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