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We apologize for the inconvenience, but the Superquiz feature is currently unavailable and we are working to restore it. In the meantime, readers can try out the new digital version of the popular nine-letter puzzle called Target Time. This puzzle challenges players to find as many words as they can and discover the Target word in a set amount of time. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and can share their results with others.

Andrew Brooks, the writer of the article, introduces the audience to the Target Time puzzle and encourages readers to test their skills by playing the digital version. The puzzle is a fun and engaging way to challenge oneself and see how many words can be found within the given time frame. Players can compete against themselves or share their results with others to see how they stack up.

The author highlights the popularity of the Target Time puzzle and how it has become a favorite among readers. The digital version offers a new and interactive way to play, adding excitement and competition to the traditional word search format. Players can see how quickly they can find the Target word and improve their skills over time.

Despite the temporary unavailability of the Superquiz feature, readers are encouraged to try out the Target Time puzzle as a fun alternative. The puzzle offers a mental challenge and a chance to relax and unwind while sharpening one’s word-searching skills. Players can enjoy the game alone or with friends, sharing their results and competing against each other for the best time.

Overall, the Target Time puzzle provides a unique and entertaining activity for readers to enjoy while waiting for the Superquiz feature to be restored. The digital version offers a modern and engaging twist on the classic word search game, allowing players to test their skills, compete with others, and have fun in the process. So, readers are encouraged to give Target Time a try and see how many words they can find before discovering the Target word.

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