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Last week, a viral video circulated on social media showing a white student making monkey noises at a Black student during a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). The incident occurred during demonstrations related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and sparked outrage online. Representative Mike Collins, a Georgia Republican, reshared the video, which garnered over 20 million views. In response to the video, a fraternity at Ole Miss announced that the individual involved in the racist actions had been expelled from the organization.

The counterprotests at Ole Miss, which reportedly included fraternity members, featured individuals carrying flags supporting former President Donald Trump and shouting slogans against President Joe Biden. In the viral video, the Black female student can be seen approaching a group of white students who appear to mock and film her. While the identity of the individual making the racist gestures has not been disclosed, the fraternity to which he belonged confirmed his removal from membership. The fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, condemned the actions as antithetical to their values and stated that the individual was expelled on May 3.

The racist video at Ole Miss is part of a larger trend of heightened tensions surrounding pro-Palestine protests at college campuses across the United States. Pro-Palestinian protesters are calling for a ceasefire and urging universities to divest from Israel in response to the conflict with Hamas in Gaza. The ongoing war, which has resulted in numerous casualties on both sides, has sparked international criticism. The protests on college campuses have at times turned violent, leading to law enforcement intervention and the passing of legislation, such as the Antisemitism Awareness Act by the House of Representatives.

The response from Ole Miss to the video of the confrontation was to address the offensive and inappropriate statements made during the protest on campus. Any actions that violate university policy will be met with appropriate action, according to a spokesperson for the university. The incident has highlighted the challenges faced by universities in navigating issues related to free speech, racial discrimination, and political tensions. The need for dialogue and understanding amid contentious debates continues to be a priority in addressing the complex issues surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict and the broader implications for communities on college campuses.

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