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American tourists can easily be spotted abroad by a variety of habits that seem normal to them but strange to others. Some of the common traits that give away American tourists include them being amazed by things that are more than 200 years old, wearing their college gear, tipping excessively even in countries where it’s not customary, asking for the bathroom instead of the toilet, and being the first to take off their shoes at airport security. Americans also tend to introduce themselves by stating their state or city first, engage in friendly conversation with strangers, always appear cheerful and happy, ask for extra ice in their drinks, and request cheese on everything.

Additionally, American tourists are known for asking for to-go coffee cups, inquiring about temperature in Fahrenheit, metric conversions, and store hours that may not align with European closing times. They often have impeccable facial hair, dress as if they are going on a hardcore exploration even in urban settings, wear white socks pulled up high, expect cars to stop for them when crossing the street, and always ask for ketchup no matter the meal. American tourists tend to overlook cultural norms, such as appropriate clothing for the weather, and get overly excited about ordinary events while mispronouncing words and complaining about small portions at restaurants.

Overall, the distinguishing features of American tourists include their genuine enthusiasm, friendly demeanor, and sometimes obliviousness to cultural differences when traveling abroad. Despite standing out for their eccentric behaviors, Americans are known for being approachable, outgoing, and curious, often unafraid to strike up a conversation with strangers regardless of the language barrier. While some of their habits may seem odd to those from other countries, American tourists bring a unique energy and spirit to their travel experiences, making them memorable and entertaining to encounter.

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