Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Orange County has resumed filming season 18 after news emerged that Jennifer Pedranti’s fiancé, Ryan Boyajian, is reportedly connected to the Shohei Ohtani MLB gambling scandal. Cameras have started rolling again, with footage of Tamra Judge and her costars filming a scene over Mother’s Day weekend. The season had previously wrapped filming, but hints from the cast suggested that there was more to come.
Boyajian, who was named in the gambling and theft scheme involving Ohtani’s former interpreter, is reportedly working with federal authorities and may receive immunity in exchange for his testimony. Despite the legal drama, season 18 is expected to focus on Pedranti and Boyajian’s engagement and love story. The couple recently got engaged while on vacation in the Bahamas and expressed their excitement and happiness about taking this big step in their relationship. Previous seasons of the show have shown some tension between the couple and their costars, but they are looking forward to sharing their journey with viewers.
The cast of Real Housewives of Orange County had previously celebrated the end of filming season 18 with a finale party, but subsequent events indicated that there was more to come. Dubrow hinted at the ongoing season during an appearance at the 2024 Race to Erase MS Gala. Judge also teased that the season wasn’t over yet in a social media post, suggesting that fans can expect more drama and excitement with the upcoming episodes.
Season 18 of Real Housewives of Orange County is expected to delve into Pedranti and Boyajian’s engagement and their relationship’s ups and downs. Despite facing criticism from their costars in previous seasons, the couple is excited to share their love story with viewers. The show is currently available for streaming on Peacock, and a premiere date for season 18 has yet to be announced. Fans can look forward to witnessing the unfolding drama and developments in the lives of the Orange County housewives in the upcoming season.