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Eight individuals associated with the anti-Israel protest in Washington, D.C. are facing federal criminal charges following clashes with police. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. has charged several individuals with crimes ranging from attempting to carry a dangerous weapon to assault on a police officer. Some individuals involved in the protest were also charged with attempted theft and making threats. However, local prosecutors in D.C. have dropped less serious charges against other individuals arrested at the protest. The investigation is ongoing, and more charges may be filed as a result.

In addition to the individuals facing federal criminal charges, there were several people arrested who will not face charges at this stage of the investigation. Charges against some individuals were dropped by the D.C. attorney general’s office, including misdemeanors such as crossing police tape and disorderly conduct. There are also pending citation cases for charges such as “crowding, obstructing or incommoding” for which prosecutors have not yet decided on charges. The D.C. attorney general’s office is responsible for prosecuting lower-level offenses related to the protest, while more serious charges are handled by federal prosecutors.

The anti-Israel protest in D.C. took place as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress and quickly turned chaotic. Demonstrators were seen carrying what appeared to be the flag of the terrorist group Hamas, and some were heard shouting “Allahu Akbar.” At Union Station, protesters burned an American flag and vandalized a statue with the words “Hamas is coming.” Rioters also replaced American flags with the Palestinian flag. The White House issued a statement condemning the protests, with Vice President Kamala Harris denouncing the “despicable acts” and “dangerous hate-filled rhetoric” of some demonstrators.

Notably, federal prosecutors did not bring charges of destroying government property against anyone arrested at the protest. Under federal law, individuals convicted of damaging or attempting to damage government property exceeding $1,000 can face fines or imprisonment for up to ten years. The statement condemned any individuals associating with Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate Israel and kill Jews. Anti-Israel graffiti and rhetoric were deemed abhorrent and intolerable in the nation. Fox News reporters Kelli Kupec and Timothy H.J. Nerozzi contributed to the report, providing updates on the ongoing investigation and charges related to the anti-Israel protest in Washington, D.C.

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