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Daylight saving remains a controversial subject, particularly in Queensland where the clock is not adjusted. Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen made the decision to reject daylight saving after becoming tired of the arguments and believing that the people of Queensland did not want to change their schedules. This decision was met with mixed reactions, with some supporting the move while others believed it was unnecessary. The debate continues to this day, with some residents in Queensland feeling frustrated by the lack of consistency with the rest of the country.

Julie Corkery of Hurlstone Park expressed her annoyance with the overuse of superlatives such as ‘amazing’ and ‘brilliant’ in everyday language. She highlighted the passing of Kris Kristofferson as a prompt to speak out against this trend and emphasized that feeling good should be enough without needing to exaggerate. While her message was well-received, she was humorously advised to stop referring to the recipient as ‘Aunty,’ showcasing a playful interaction between acquaintances.

A humorous anecdote shared by Janita Rankin of North Dandalup depicted her grandson, a Batman impersonator, trying to impress his four-year-old cousin with his superhero abilities. However, his cousin quickly lost interest, prompting him to remind her that his costume was more than just a plaything. This light-hearted story captured the innocence and creativity of childhood play, showcasing the imagination of young children as they embody their favorite characters.

George Manojlovic of Mangerton offered a unique perspective on the superhero genre by suggesting a humorous explanation for superheroes wearing their underpants on the outside. He humorously proposed that phone booths, commonly associated with superheroes changing into their costumes, could have been a source of sexually transmitted diseases, leading to the unique fashion choice. This playful interpretation adds a comedic element to the discussion of superhero lore.

Geoff Croxson of Jannali raised an intriguing question about the connection between superheroes and journalism, particularly referencing Spider-Man’s career in the field. He pondered whether Stan Lee’s creation of superheroes with journalism roles was a lack of imagination or a deliberate choice to bring them closer to high-action events. This thought-provoking inquiry delves into the depth of character development in the superhero genre and raises questions about the underlying motives of these iconic figures.

Former Bankcard training manager Adrian Bell of Davistown reflected on the success and eventual end of the credit card service, praising its impact on the Australian retail industry. He highlighted the innovative approach taken by Bankcard in setting security and efficiency standards that surpassed its competitors such as Amex and Diners Club. The eventual downfall of Bankcard was attributed to the consolidation of major banks into the ‘Big Four,’ leading to a shift in customer preferences towards bank-specific cards. This insider perspective sheds light on the evolution of the credit card industry in Australia and the competitive forces at play.

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