Bravo TV’s Summer House is a laidback and relaxed show that follows the lives of individuals living in the Hamptons. The show offers a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of the east coast and serves as a source of comfort for many viewers. The show’s stars, including Paige DeSorbo, Ciara Miller, and Amanda Batula, often showcase their casual and comfrotable style, which resonates with many fans. The Hamptons is known as the ultimate luxury destination for chic city dwellers, and viewers are often inspired to emulate the rich mom culture of the east coast during the summer months.
To help viewers recreate the high society Hamptons look, a list of 11 fashion pieces is provided. The list includes items such as a Staud striped sweater, quilted ballet flats, J.Crew white linen pants, Le Specs cat-eye sunglasses, Attraco tennis dress, Abercrombie linen-blend midi dress, Kurt Geiger tweed shoulder bag, Pretty Garden vest shorts set, Tuckernuck chambray shirt dress, Banana Republic Factory linen-blend midi dress, and a gingham maxi dress with pockets. These pieces are chosen for their versatility, comfort, and ability to elevate any outfit to fit the sophisticated aesthetic of the Hamptons.
The Staud striped sweater is highlighted for its pastel colors and luxury feel, perfect for the spring and summer months. Quilted ballet flats offer a high-end look at an affordable price, mimicking the Chanel aesthetic. White linen pants are a summer staple that can easily transition from the beach to brunch, while the Le Specs cat-eye sunglasses provide a glamorous touch inspired by Meghan Markle’s style. The Attraco tennis dress and Abercrombie linen-blend midi dress offer chic yet comfortable options for both athletic activities and casual outings.
Accessories such as the Kurt Geiger tweed shoulder bag add a preppy touch to any outfit without breaking the bank. The Pretty Garden vest shorts set is trendy and timeless, perfect for summer vacations or outings. Tuckernuck’s chambray shirt dress offers a flowy and flattering option for beach days or everyday wear, while the Banana Republic Factory linen-blend midi dress features a belted waist to accentuate the figure. The gingham maxi dress adds a playful touch with its pockets and variety of colors available.
In conclusion, the fashion pieces highlighted in the list aim to help viewers feel like they are part of the Hamptons high society. Each item offers a unique and stylish take on summer fashion, with an emphasis on comfort, versatility, and affordability. By incorporating these pieces into their wardrobes, viewers can channel the luxurious and laidback vibes of the Hamptons, even if they are located on the other side of the country. Summer style is all about embracing ease and sophistication, and these fashion choices provide a chic and practical way to elevate any summer look.