Lindsay Lohan is set to portray Ann-Margret in an upcoming biopic, receiving the actress’s blessing. Lohan has expressed her admiration for Ann-Margret’s talent and hopes to do her justice by telling her story on screen. She sees this role as an opportunity to potentially win an Oscar and an Emmy as she aims to take her career to the next level through this project. Lohan’s commitment to the role stems from her belief that she is the only one suited to play the iconic redhead.
After a period of being away from the spotlight, Lohan has experienced a resurgence in her acting career with recent films like Falling for Christmas and Irish Wish in partnership with Netflix. She also made a cameo in the musical adaptation of Mean Girls and confirmed the sequel to Freaky Friday starring Jamie Lee Curtis. The upcoming sequel, directed by Nisha Ganatra, will see Lohan’s character, Anna, navigating motherhood and dealing with the challenges of blended families.
Lohan’s personal life has also seen significant changes, with the actress welcoming a son, Luai, with her husband, Bader Shammas, in 2023. Despite becoming a mother, Lohan remains focused on her acting career and hopes to expand her family in the future. Shammas is fully supportive of Lohan’s career aspirations and plays a key role in helping her navigate the industry, providing advice and insight as she dives back into her work. Lohan feels secure knowing that her husband is her biggest cheerleader.
The Freaky Friday sequel will explore the dynamic between Anna, her daughter Harper, and Eric Davies, Harper’s potential stepfather. The film will feature a body-switching premise, with Anna and her mother, Tess, swapping bodies with teenage girls Harper and Lily. This unique and comedic storyline promises to provide a fresh take on the beloved original film while giving Lohan the opportunity to showcase her acting range. The sequel is highly anticipated by fans and industry insiders alike.
Lohan’s career is on an upward trajectory, with more projects in the pipeline as she continues her Lohanissance resurgence. She is also set to star in Our Little Secret, a Netflix film due for release later this year. With a successful acting comeback and a supportive husband by her side, Lohan is in a positive place both personally and professionally. She is eager to take on new challenges and further establish herself as a versatile and talented actress in Hollywood.
Overall, Lindsay Lohan’s career has seen a significant revival in recent years, with promising projects on the horizon and a supportive network of collaborators and loved ones to guide her along the way. Whether portraying iconic figures like Ann-Margret or navigating the complexities of motherhood onscreen, Lohan’s dedication to her craft and determination to succeed are evident. As she enters this new phase of her career and personal life, Lohan continues to inspire and captivate audiences with her talent and resilience.