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The Hamas terrorist organization used paragliders as part of a mass murder operation in southern Israel on October 7. A Hamas military plan obtained by the Israel Defense Forces revealed the extent of the organization’s intentions to deceive the world about their use of paragliders. The plan outlined the development of the sport to create motorized paragliders for silent infiltrations across enemy lines. The plan also focused on reducing costs and gaining foreign information through civilian activities. Terrorists on paragliders participated in the slaughter of over 300 attendees at the Supernova music festival in Kibbutz Re’im.

According to the Hamas plan, the goal was to establish a military and civilian aviation force in service of their liberation project. Steps to mainstream the paraglider system in Gaza included conducting civilian experiments with paragliders and showcasing them on social networks and in the global press. The plan called for attracting young people to the sport, establishing a special club, and connecting with the global paragliding association. The Hamas document also addressed the opposition faced from the occupation and suggested creating a reality that forces the enemy to accept this technology in some form.

Brigadier General (Res) Amir Avivi, a former deputy commander of the IDF Gaza Division, highlighted the history of paraglider attacks by Palestinian terrorists dating back to 1987. Avivi emphasized that Israel has dealt with this threat for years and has advanced capabilities to detect and destroy such attacks. In July, Israeli fighter jets struck a depot containing paragliders used by Hamas, resulting in significant damage. The image of Hamas terrorists on paragliders has been used as a symbol on clothing and posters among pro-Hamas supporters worldwide, with some groups, such as Neo-Nazis and the Black Lives Matter chapter in Chicago, glorifying the attacks.

The paraglider attack on Israel led to repercussions for individuals who supported Hamas’s actions. Emory University reportedly fired Dr. Abeer AbouYabis, an assistant professor at the Emory School of Medicine, for expressing support for the Hamas aerial attack. AbouYabis posted on Facebook praising the paraglider attack and expressing support for resistance fighters. Additionally, other individuals, including a New York City public school teacher, have displayed support for the Hamas paraglider attack. The use of paragliders by terrorists has raised concerns about the evolving tactics and threats posed by such attacks.

The Hamas plan to use paragliders as a military tactic highlights the organization’s efforts to develop unconventional methods for attacks. The exploitation of the sport of paragliding for military purposes demonstrates the lengths to which terrorist groups will go to deceive and harm their enemies. Israel’s response to the paraglider threat, including airstrikes targeting paraglider depots, reflects the country’s commitment to defending against such attacks. The international glorification of the Hamas paraglider attack underscores the need for continued vigilance and security measures to prevent terrorist groups from carrying out similar atrocities in the future.

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