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The University of Queensland researcher Joseph McMahon led a study that explores how growing Queensland regions, such as Cairns and Mackay, can learn from biodiversity and carbon offsetting efforts to better meet water quality targets. The study focuses on water quality offsets, which are designed to counterbalance industrial pollution by reducing emissions elsewhere, often from agricultural sources. The study highlighted substantial uncertainties in accurately measuring pollution reductions from agricultural land use changes. The researchers estimated the demand for water quality offsets from sewage treatment plants, which are the largest industrial emitter of total nitrogen in Great Barrier Reef catchments, until 2050.

The research found that sewage treatment plants in Cairns will require a large volume of water quality offsets by 2050, while a smaller volume of offsets will be needed immediately in Mackay. The integrity of these water quality offsets is crucial to ensure that increased industrial pollution is adequately counterbalanced, and that important water quality targets for the Great Barrier Reef are met. The study emphasizes the importance of high integrity water quality offsets in these catchments, noting that uncertainties in measuring their effectiveness pose challenges. Examples of water quality offsets that could be employed in these regions include improved crop management practices and riverbank revegetation to improve water quality in waterways in Reef catchment areas.

In general, if agricultural offsets are implemented near industrial emissions and have a high certainty of effectiveness, they are more likely to have a high integrity. This approach allows industries like sewage treatment plants to comply with regulations while also protecting the Reef from pollution linked to population growth. The study suggests that a balance between scientific rigor and policy workability is needed until further research into pollution hotspots and transport pathways can address some of the uncertainties. Water quality offsets could help industries comply with regulations while also protecting the Reef, but improving the integrity of these offsets is key to ensuring their effectiveness.

The researchers stress the importance of water quality offsets in regions with growing populations, as they are critical to protecting the health of the Great Barrier Reef. By implementing high integrity offsets, industries can comply with regulations and help the Reef meet water quality targets. The study discusses how uncertainties in measuring the effectiveness of water quality offsets can pose challenges, but emphasizes the potential benefits of employing offsetting strategies such as improved crop management practices and riverbank revegetation. These strategies can help improve water quality in waterways in Reef catchment areas and offset industrial emissions, ensuring a balance between protecting the Reef and supporting population growth.

Overall, the study highlights the need for continued research into water quality offsets and their effectiveness in protecting the Great Barrier Reef. By addressing uncertainties and improving the integrity of water quality offsets, regions like Cairns and Mackay can better meet water quality targets and support the health of the Reef. The research emphasizes the importance of balancing scientific rigor with policy workability in implementing offsetting strategies, and suggests that a focus on pollution hotspots and transport pathways can help address uncertainties in measuring offset effectiveness. By learning from biodiversity and carbon offsetting efforts, growing Queensland regions can enhance their water quality offsetting practices and contribute to the protection of the Great Barrier Reef.

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