A dayslong filibuster in the Missouri Senate ended after a Republican faction allowed a vote on a more than $4 billion Medicaid program. Senators gave initial approval to a bill that renews a tax on hospitals and medical providers to draw down $2.9 billion in federal funding for low-income residents on Medicaid. The Freedom Caucus, a GOP faction, had been blocking work on the Senate floor until their demands were met. They used the hospital tax to pressure Senate leaders to pass a bill kicking Planned Parenthood off the state’s Medicaid program.
The House has sent the measure to Republican Gov. Mike Parson, who is expected to sign it. The Freedom Caucus also demanded that Parson sign the Planned Parenthood defunding bill and that the Legislature raise the bar for passing future constitutional amendments. Senate Republicans were able to pass the proposal after negotiations with Senate Democrats and stripped other election-related language that House Republicans wanted. Senate Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin plans to bring the measure on constitutional amendments up for debate on May 6.
Both the Freedom Caucus and Republican Senate leaders are claiming victory in the extended standoff. The Freedom Caucus formed a coalition with 18 senators, enough to force a vote without support from Democrats, in support of passing the constitutional amendment. Other Senate Republicans saw the advancement of the hospital tax as a defeat for the Freedom Caucus. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Lincoln Hough emphasized the importance of governing in the state and sticking together to fulfill their duty despite internal conflicts.
This filibuster ended after negotiations and compromises were made between different factions within the Senate. The controversy surrounding the Medicaid program, Planned Parenthood funding, and constitutional amendments sparked debates and lengthy discussions. Republicans hope to make it harder for voters to pass certain amendments in the future by raising the threshold for amending the constitution. The filibuster was reminiscent of previous instances in 2016, demonstrating that contentious issues can lead to extended debates on the Senate floor.
The tension between different Republican factions in the Missouri Senate highlights the challenges of governing and passing legislation. The Freedom Caucus used the filibuster to achieve their goals, but ultimately had to compromise in order to move forward with essential legislation. The negotiation process involved discussions with Senate Democrats and compromises on certain provisions. The episode serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics within a legislative body and the necessity of working together to fulfill their duties and responsibilities.