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Whistleblowers have revealed that the Obama-Biden State Department actively interfered with the FBI in executing arrest warrants on individuals supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction. Senators Grassley and Johnson sent letters to Secretary of State Blinken, FBI Director Wray, and Attorney General Garland detailing these allegations. Despite publicly committing to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, it is said that then-Secretary of State John Kerry obstructed FBI efforts to arrest individuals involved in illegal activities benefiting Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Emails obtained by the senators show that in at least eight instances related to the Iran nuclear deal, the State Department blocked the FBI from moving forward with arrests. As a result, six main subjects were not apprehended, and one individual even returned to Iran. It is claimed that the State Department lifted the blocks on two targets only after the Trump administration took office. These warnings date back to 2015 and are said to have been motivated by political reasons. There were concerns raised about stand-down orders to arrest criminal Iranians, and emails from 2016 described ongoing tensions between the Department of Justice and State Department over the matter.

The records suggest that the State Department’s interference extended to ongoing FBI investigations and became a significant issue that Attorney General Loretta Lynch had to discuss with Secretary Kerry. Despite DOJ and FBI leadership apparently allowing this interference to continue until the Trump administration came into power, there was evidence that the State Department’s actions disrupted FBI operations related to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. In one instance, a corporate email mentioned how Trump’s election win was impacting business dealings in Iran, causing delays and hesitance among financial institutions.

In response to these revelations, Grassley and Johnson are demanding records from email archives of key figures such as Kerry, CIA Director Bill Burns, Wendy Sherman, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken by a specified deadline. They are seeking information on various terms related to the Iran nuclear deal, law enforcement actions involving Iranian citizens, and specific case files mentioned in the whistleblowers’ disclosures. While the FBI and DOJ confirmed receipt of Grassley’s letter, they have chosen not to provide further comments on the matter, and the State Department has not responded to requests for comment from Fox News Digital.

Overall, the information provided by the whistleblowers raises serious concerns about the Obama-Biden administration’s handling of Iranian proliferation networks and other criminal activities supporting Iran’s weapons programs. The alleged interference by the State Department under John Kerry’s leadership is said to have impacted the FBI’s ability to arrest known terrorists and individuals involved in illicit activities benefiting Iran. The documents suggest that the DOJ and FBI leadership did not take the necessary steps to stop Kerry’s obstructive efforts against law enforcement until the Trump administration changed course. The demand for additional records reflects a push for transparency and accountability regarding these disturbing allegations.

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