The world of Dungeons & Dragons is expanding beyond the tabletop game and into the realm of live theatre with the creation of The Twenty-Sided Tavern, an officially licensed D&D stage show. Produced by Curious Hedgehog and Showpath Entertainment in partnership with Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro, this unique production will allow the audience to determine how the story unfolds each night. Set to debut in New York City this spring, The Twenty-Sided Tavern promises to be an immersive experience that will appeal to both fans of the game and live theatre enthusiasts.
The idea for The Twenty-Sided Tavern came from a love of Dungeons & Dragons and a desire to create a collaborative storytelling experience. The producers, including David Carpenter, Sarah Davis Reynolds, David Andrew Laws, David Hutchinson, and Nathan Brine, all share a passion for the game and wanted to bring that same sense of adventure and creativity to the stage. By allowing audience members to use a browser-based app on their mobile devices to interact with the characters on stage, The Twenty-Sided Tavern offers a level of interactivity that is rarely seen in live theatre.
For the producers, the creation of The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a dream come true. Each of them has a personal connection to Dungeons & Dragons, whether it be through playing the game in college, growing up with AD&D sourcebooks, or exploring the world of RPGs. The opportunity to combine their love of D&D with their experience in interactive digital shows was a perfect match, and they are excited to bring this first-of-its-kind production to life. With Gamiotics powering the interactive experience, audience members can look forward to a new story every night and the chance to play a role in shaping the outcome.
The show’s journey to becoming an officially licensed D&D production began with a preview in Chicago that caught the attention of fans in the Midwest. Initially conceived as an unofficial tribute to the game, The Twenty-Sided Tavern quickly gained momentum and caught the eye of Wizards of the Coast. This led to a partnership with Hasbro and Path Entertainment in London, resulting in the show becoming an official D&D production. Previews for The Twenty-Sided Tavern are set to begin on April 19th, with the official launch scheduled for May 5th. Plans for a national tour are already in the works, allowing fans from across the country to experience this innovative and engaging production.
With tickets set to go on sale soon, adventurers eager to embark on this unique theatrical journey can visit the official website for The Twenty-Sided Tavern or reach out to Telecharge or call 800-447-7400 to secure their seats. Those looking to join the community and learn more about the show can also connect with fellow fans via Discord. As the lines between gaming and theatre continue to blur, The Twenty-Sided Tavern stands out as a must-see experience that celebrates the spirit of collaboration, creativity, and community that has made Dungeons & Dragons a beloved and enduring game for players of all ages.