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Jessica Seinfeld praised her husband Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech at Duke University on Instagram after a group of anti-Israel protesters attempted to interrupt him but were drowned out by the audience. Jerry, who is Jewish and a co-chair of the Parents Committee, delivered remarks to a crowd of over 7,000 when the protesters walked out chanting “Free Palestine.” The audience responded by chanting “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” and cheering for the comedian. Jessica described the speech as “amazing” and shared that Jerry received an honorary degree and a standing ovation.

In his 16-minute speech, Jerry Seinfeld shared his “three real keys to life” with the new graduates. He emphasized the importance of working hard, paying attention, and falling in love. He encouraged students to persevere through failure, take risks, and appreciate the small things in life. Seinfeld also took a subtle jab at wokeism, defending the concept of privilege and highlighting the privilege of attending Duke University and growing up in New York as a Jewish aspiring comedian. He jokingly compared Duke to Harvard, pointing out the university’s reputation and accomplishments.

Duke University has become a top U.S. university, attracting students who might have been Ivy League contenders if not for concerns about far-left campus protests. Despite challenges, Jessica Seinfeld expressed pride in being part of the Duke community and emphasized that they are #ForeverDuke. The audience’s enthusiastic response to Jerry Seinfeld’s speech, despite the disruption caused by protesters, showcased the support and admiration for the comedian. The university posted the full commencement speech on its YouTube page for those who missed the event.

Overall, Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech at Duke University was well-received, with Jessica Seinfeld praising the audience for their support and the response to the protesters. Seinfeld’s message of perseverance, embracing privilege, and appreciating life’s small moments resonated with the graduating class. His jokes and insights provided a lighthearted and meaningful conclusion to the students’ time at Duke. As the Seinfelds and others celebrate the accomplishments and resilience of the graduates, the event serves as a reminder of the value of hard work, gratitude, and community support in navigating life’s challenges and successes.

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