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An exclusive poll conducted for Newsweek by Redfield & Wilton Strategies in February reveals that 40 percent of voters agree with former President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion, which is that abortion rights should be left to individual state governments. Trump clarified his position on the issue in a video statement, emphasizing that states should determine abortion laws through legislation or votes. This move may disappoint anti-abortion advocates hoping for a national ban on the procedure, as Trump believes each state should decide its own laws based on the will of the people.

Despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and the Republican Party suffering losses in abortion referendums, Trump’s position on the issue has substantial support. However, it is important to note that the 40 percent of voters supporting state-level decision-making did not specify their views on restricting abortion. Even though the majority of Americans believe that abortion should be legal, only 25 percent consider it morally wrong, while 71 percent find it morally acceptable or dependent on circumstances.

Trump has praised the conservative justices he appointed to the Supreme Court for their role in overturning Roe v. Wade. He thanked the justices for returning the abortion debate to the states and emphasized that it is now each state’s responsibility to handle the issue. While Trump has historically championed the anti-abortion movement, he has wavered on the issue following the Supreme Court’s ruling that has proven challenging for Republicans. He hinted at endorsing a national ban with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother, while also expressing support for fertility treatments.

The Newsweek poll suggests that leaving abortion laws to individual states resonates particularly with Republicans and older voters. A majority of Trump voters in the 2020 election supported the idea, along with almost half of Americans aged 59 and older. However, there is less support among Biden supporters and younger generations, with only 32 percent of Biden supporters and 31 percent of Gen Z voters supporting state-level decision-making on abortion. The poll was conducted on February 10 among 1,500 eligible voters in the U.S., with a margin of error of 2.53%.

Overall, Trump’s position on abortion reflects a broader division among Americans on the issue, with a significant proportion of voters supporting leaving abortion laws to individual states. While Trump’s stance may not align with the expectations of some anti-abortion advocates, it highlights the complexities and differing viewpoints surrounding reproductive rights in the U.S. The poll underscores the diverse opinions across different demographics, illustrating the ongoing debate and uncertainty surrounding abortion laws in the country.

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