On Friday, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson disclosed in financial disclosure forms that Beyoncé gave her four tickets to her concert last year. Additionally, she reported receiving an $893,750 payment from Penguin Random House for her upcoming memoir. Other justices such as Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Sonia Sotomayor also reported income from books they have published or have coming out in the future, with some receiving six-figure payments. Despite a cap on outside income for government officials, book income is not counted toward that cap.
Kavanaugh received a $340,000 payment from the Javelin Group agency for his upcoming memoir, while Gorsuch reported royalty income of $250,000. Book deals are typically paid in installments, so the full financial impact on justices will not be known for several years. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who received criticism for a $425,000 advance on her book in 2022, did not list any additional income from that deal in the most recent report. Sotomayor reported receiving royalty payments for her children’s books from Random House.
The financial disclosures also revealed gifts and travel accepted by the justices. Jackson reported receiving Beyoncé concert tickets, artwork, and other gifts, as required by law for gifts worth $480 or more. Other justices also received gifts, such as Clarence Thomas receiving photo albums worth $2,000 from members of the Horatio Alger Association. The reports provide a glimpse into the finances of the justices and lower court judges, including income from side gigs like teaching and rental properties.
Several justices reported foreign and domestic travel paid for by various organizations, such as law schools and legal groups. Gorsuch traveled to Lisbon and London for educational programs, while Kavanaugh and Barrett both traveled to London with the University of Notre Dame. Other justices listed domestic trips, with travel reimbursements for speaking engagements and award ceremonies. Income from teaching and rental properties were also disclosed, with Sotomayor receiving payment for a voice-acting role on an animated show.
Gorsuch received income for teaching at George Mason University, while Kavanaugh and Barrett taught at Notre Dame Law School. Barrett’s teaching income in 2023 was less than the previous year. Sotomayor received rental income from properties in New York and Florida, while Chief Justice John Roberts and Thomas also disclosed rental income from properties they own. Kagan reported earning income from renting out a parking space in Washington, DC. The financial disclosures provide transparency into the justices’ financial interests and outside income sources.