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On April 18, 2024, Frank Tyson, a 53-year-old Black man, died in police custody in Canton, Ohio after an officer knelt on his back, causing him to become unresponsive, as seen in graphic body camera footage released by the city. Tyson had been involved in an accident where he allegedly sheared an electrical pole off the side of the road and then fled the scene. Canton police responded to the incident and found Tyson at a local veterans club. The body cam footage shows the officers confronting Tyson, who yells that they are trying to kill him. A scuffle ensues, during which the officers attempt to handcuff Tyson. Despite his protests that they are trying to kill him, the officers handcuff him and force him to the ground, leading to him repeatedly saying that he can’t breathe.

As the struggle continues, Tyson becomes unresponsive while lying face-down on the ground. The officers eventually check for a pulse and start CPR, but Tyson was pronounced dead at 9:18, roughly an hour after the initial incident. The Canton Police Department’s statement did not mention the length of time between when Tyson was handcuffed and when resuscitation attempts were made. The case was handed over to the Ohio attorney general’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation for an independent investigation. Two officers involved in the incident were placed on administrative leave. Canton Police Department Chief John Gabbard expressed his condolences to Tyson’s family and stated his confidence in the thoroughness of the upcoming investigation.

This incident comes after a previous deadly encounter involving the Canton Police Department in which a 24-year-old man named Zachary Fornash was shot and killed by officers. Fornash was armed with a pellet gun and was shot after a foot chase near an apartment complex. Despite civil action taken by Fornash’s family, no officer was indicted in the case. Mayor William V. Sherer II released a statement expressing transparency and condolences to the Tyson family. He acknowledged the release of the bodycam footage and emphasized the community’s support during this challenging time. The city of Canton faces scrutiny over its handling of police encounters and the need for accountability and justice for victims of police violence.

The footage of Frank Tyson’s fatal encounter with Canton police has sparked outrage and calls for justice from community members and activists. The graphic nature of the video, showing Tyson becoming unresponsive while officers restrain him, has raised concerns about police use of force and systemic racism in law enforcement. The incident has once again highlighted the need for police reform and accountability in cases of police brutality. With the ongoing investigation led by the Ohio attorney general’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation, there is hope for transparency and justice for Frank Tyson and his family.

The release of the bodycam footage has prompted discussions about police training and de-escalation tactics in handling individuals in distress. Community leaders and advocates are calling for increased accountability and oversight of law enforcement to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The Canton Police Department’s handling of the situation, particularly the officers’ response to Tyson’s pleas for help and their use of force, has raised questions about the department’s procedures and protocols in dealing with individuals in custody. The tragic death of Frank Tyson serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing issues of police violence and the urgent need for reform within law enforcement agencies across the country.

As the investigation into Frank Tyson’s death continues, there is a growing demand for transparency and accountability from the Canton Police Department. Community members and civil rights organizations are closely monitoring the case and pushing for justice for Tyson and his family. The release of the bodycam footage has shed light on the events leading up to Tyson’s death and has sparked a larger conversation about police accountability and the need for meaningful change in policing practices. It remains to be seen how the investigation will unfold and what actions will be taken to address the issues raised by Tyson’s tragic passing.

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