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In Buenaventura, Colombia, Consuelo Manyoma and her family are among thousands of people from the Afro-Colombian village of San Isidro who have been displaced due to violence caused by the cocaine trade. San Isidro is a community that relies on farming, fishing, and logging for their livelihood but is also a strategic location for drug traffickers. The constant threat of gunfire and other dangers forced Manyoma and others to flee in April 2022, leading to a mass internal displacement crisis.

The conflict in Colombia, which has lasted for decades, involves government forces, drug cartels, armed groups, and paramilitaries vying for power and control over territory. This has resulted in millions of people being forced from their homes and seeking refuge in places like the Crystal Coliseum in Buenaventura, which has become an emergency shelter for Manyoma’s family and others. Originally, they thought they would only stay for a short period of time, but two years later, they find themselves in a state of limbo, waiting for a peace that seems out of reach.

Manyoma expressed feeling trapped and isolated, with no clear path forward. The uncertainty of their situation has taken a toll on the mental and emotional wellbeing of Manyoma and others living in the shelter. They are struggling to survive and make a living in a city that is unfamiliar to them, facing discrimination and marginalization as internally displaced persons. The lack of opportunities and resources has made it difficult for them to envision a better future for themselves and their families.

Despite the challenges they face, Manyoma and others in the shelter continue to hold onto hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Colombia. They long to return to their homes in San Isidro and rebuild their lives in a safe and secure environment. However, the reality of the situation is complex, with ongoing violence and instability making it difficult for them to imagine a return to normalcy. The journey back home seems distant and uncertain, leaving Manyoma and others in a state of limbo as they wait for a resolution to their displacement crisis.

As they wait for news on the situation in San Isidro, Manyoma and her family try to make the best of their current circumstances. They have formed a sense of community within the shelter, supporting each other and finding moments of joy amid the hardships they face. Despite the challenges they endure, Manyoma remains resilient and determined to create a better future for her family, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Their story is a testament to the strength and resilience of those impacted by the conflict in Colombia, who continue to hold onto hope for a brighter tomorrow despite the obstacles they face.

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