The new dramedy Dìdi, directed by Sean Wang and starring Izaac Wang, follows the story of a teenage boy named Chris coming of age in a Taiwanese American family in 2008. The film is filled with references to the pop culture of the time, including grainy YouTube skate videos, chats with AIM’s SmarterChild bot, and MySpace “Top 8” ranking pages. One of the standout aspects of the film is its period music, which includes songs by bands like Hellogoodbye, adding to the immersive feel of the movie.
Vogue recently spoke to Didi music supervisor Toko Nagata about the process of putting together the perfect playlist for the film. Nagata reveals that she and director Sean Wang had many conversations before shooting about what the sound of the film would be like. Drawing inspiration from Wang’s own experiences growing up in 2008, they aimed to create an authentic representation of the time period. They also incorporated input from Wang’s friends, many of whom the characters in the film are loosely based on, in order to capture the right vibe for the soundtrack.
In the early stages of planning the music for Didi, Nagata reached out to Future Islands, who were heavily involved in skate culture, for permission to use their music in the film. They agreed to let the film use one of their albums, but Wang pointed out that the album was released in the fall of 2008 while the film is set in the summer of 2008. This attention to detail and commitment to authenticity is a key aspect of the film, making it feel like a true snapshot of a specific cultural moment.
The film is semi-autobiographical, with many of the characters and plot points inspired by Wang’s own life. For example, the character of Vivian, the older sister in the film, is based on a friend of Wang’s who was involved in the pop-punk scene. Vivian and Nagata collaborated closely to create a playlist that would evoke the right emotions for the film. The inclusion of personal touches like this adds depth and realism to Didi, making it a more relatable and engaging viewing experience.
One of the most interesting aspects of Didi is the recent increase in representation of Asian and Asian American musical artists. By featuring songs by bands like Hellogoodbye and Future Islands, the film not only captures the atmosphere of 2008 but also highlights the work of talented musicians from diverse backgrounds. This commitment to inclusivity and diversity in the soundtrack adds an extra layer of depth to the film, making it a richer and more meaningful viewing experience for audiences.
Overall, Didi offers a nostalgic and heartfelt look at coming of age in a Taiwanese American family in 2008. Through its meticulously curated period music and authentic representation of the time period, the film transports viewers back to a specific cultural moment while also highlighting the work of talented Asian and Asian American musicians. With its blend of personal storytelling and universal themes, Didi is sure to resonate with audiences of all backgrounds and ages.