The Bible verse from Luke 24:38 serves as an important reminder to trust in the Lord at all times, according to a Dominican friar in Washington, DC. This verse questions why troubles and doubts arise in our hearts and emphasizes the need to confront fear and own it. The friar explains that the biggest temptation in spiritual life is to believe that we can make progress on our own, without relying on God. He shares a personal experience of encountering a man on the streets of Denver who thought he was someone else and tried to take his clothing. Through prayer, the friar was able to peacefully resolve the situation and show the love of Christ.
The friar emphasizes the importance of surrendering to God and trusting in Him, rather than depending on ourselves. He states that every challenge and trial in life is an opportunity to deepen our trust in God and experience the peace that comes from Him. The peace of Christ is described as irresistible and the one thing every heart longs for, but the world cannot provide. By fixing our eyes on Christ and professing His name, we can withstand any trial and allow the peace of Easter to drive away anxiety and fear from our hearts.
The friar also draws attention to the encounter between Jesus and His disciples after the resurrection, where He greets them with the words, “Peace be with you.” This phrase, often repeated during Mass, serves as a reminder of the peace that comes from Christ and the assurance that we can rely on Him in all circumstances. By trusting in Christ and allowing His peace to reign in our hearts, we can show others the transformative power of faith and draw them closer to the love of Christ. The friar encourages believers to turn to Christ in times of trouble and to seek His peace, which surpasses all understanding.
In reflecting on the events of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus, the friar points to the enduring gifts that continue to come from the resurrected Christ. He highlights the importance of trusting in God’s plan and confronting fears with faith, knowing that God knows the secrets of our hearts and desires for us to turn to Him in times of trouble. By relying on God and surrendering to His will, we can experience the peace that only He can provide, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and hope. Ultimately, the friar encourages believers to keep their eyes fixed on Christ and to rely on His strength, knowing that He is with us always.