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Prince Harry has filed a lawsuit against the Daily Mail, accusing the tabloid of damaging his relationship with ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy. In response, the Daily Mail’s publisher, Associated Newspapers, has submitted a defense arguing that the claims are “preposterous and without foundation.” The court filing by the Daily Mail’s lawyers stated that the case is an affront to hard-working journalists and the integrity of the publication itself. The defense also disputed Harry’s allegations that the Daily Mail used unlawful practices, arguing that stories published years ago were the result of responsible journalism based on legitimate sources.

In his witness statement, Prince Harry detailed how the Daily Mail’s actions had a negative impact on his relationship with Chelsy Davy, causing both of them fear and paranoia. He accused the tabloid of using illegal methods such as hacking his voicemails, tapping his landline, and obtaining private flight information to publish articles about him. Harry expressed concern for Chelsy’s safety, describing her as feeling hunted and harassed by the press. The Mail’s response reiterated their stance that the allegations were baseless and denied engaging in any unlawful practices in their reporting.

The Daily Mail’s defense further emphasized that the stories in question, many of which were published over 20 years ago, were not subject to any complaints at the time and were based on legitimate sources. The publisher maintained that the lawsuit brought by Prince Harry and others was unjustly tarnishing the reputation and integrity of the journalists working for the publication. The case is set for a case management hearing later in May to determine the next steps in the legal proceedings.

As chief royal correspondent for Newsweek, Jack Royston covers developments related to the British royal family, including the ongoing lawsuit involving Prince Harry and the Daily Mail. He can be found on Twitter at @jack_royston and shares his stories on Newsweek’s The Royals Facebook page. Readers are encouraged to submit questions about the royal family, such as King Charles III, William and Kate, and Meghan and Harry, for Newsweek’s royal correspondents to address via email at [email protected].

Overall, the lawsuit filed by Prince Harry against the Daily Mail has sparked a contentious legal battle, with the tabloid’s publisher vehemently refuting the allegations of unlawful behavior. The case highlights the ongoing tensions between high-profile public figures and the media, as well as the ethical standards and practices in journalism. The outcome of the lawsuit will likely have implications for how privacy rights are protected and upheld in the realm of celebrity news and reporting.

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