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In a recent segment of “The Daily Show,” a correspondent discussed the various candidates who are vying for the position of former president’s Vice President. The correspondent pointed out that some of the contenders seem to be trying a little too hard to win the spot, and are going to extreme lengths to prove their worthiness. The segment shed light on the behind-the-scenes jockeying and maneuvering that is taking place as potential candidates seek to secure the coveted position.

One of the primary contenders for the former president’s VP slot is Senator Elizabeth Warren. The correspondent highlighted how Warren has been making concerted efforts to demonstrate her commitment to progressive values and her ability to mobilize support among the Democratic base. However, despite her efforts, there are still doubts among some within the party about whether Warren is the best choice for the role. The correspondent suggested that Warren may be trying a little too hard to prove that she is the right candidate for the job.

Another candidate who is putting in a strong bid for the former president’s VP slot is Senator Kamala Harris. The correspondent noted that Harris has been positioning herself as a unifier who can bridge the gap between different factions within the Democratic Party. Harris has also been emphasizing her experience as a prosecutor and her ability to hold her own in tough situations. However, there are questions about whether Harris is truly the best person for the job, or if she is simply trying too hard to impress.

One surprise contender for the former president’s VP slot is Mayor Pete Buttigieg. The correspondent highlighted how Buttigieg has been making a name for himself by presenting a fresh face and a new perspective within the party. Buttigieg has been focusing on his military service and his background as a small-town mayor to differentiate himself from the other candidates. However, there are concerns that Buttigieg may be trying too hard to stand out in a crowded field and may not have the experience or qualifications necessary for the role.

Overall, the segment on “The Daily Show” revealed that there is fierce competition among the candidates vying for the former president’s VP slot. Each contender is working hard to distinguish themselves and prove why they are the best choice for the position. However, there are also concerns that some candidates may be going to extreme lengths to win the spot, leading to doubts about their true motivations and qualifications. As the selection process continues, it remains to be seen which candidate will ultimately be chosen as the former president’s running mate.

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