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Top progressives are urging President Joe Biden to reject an emerging Republican plan that would tie U.S. assistance to Ukraine to the unfreezing of approvals for new liquefied natural gas, or LNG, export permits. Democrats believe that reversing the pause on new LNG exports is not in the best interest of American families, the economy, or the fight against climate change and global autocrats. The delay on new permits was put in place to assess their environmental impact as the U.S. is currently the top LNG exporter globally. The House voted to roll back the freeze, but the bill faces tough odds in the Senate. Some Democrats are pushing back against the GOP demand, citing the need to reevaluate LNG’s impact on climate and communities.

House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested resuming LNG permitting would be an “innovation” that would allow the U.S. to unleash American energy, cut off funding for Vladimir Putin’s war effort in Ukraine, and create new industry jobs. However, Democrats and environmental groups are fighting back against this idea, arguing that now is the time to reexamine the impact of LNG on climate and communities. They urge the Biden administration and Democratic colleagues not to abandon climate and frontline communities for the sake of Big Oil and Gas profits. Progressives view Johnson’s proposal as part of an extreme-right Republican agenda that prioritizes industry profits over environmental and humanitarian concerns.

Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate group, supports the Biden administration’s decision to pause LNG exports, calling it a popular and common-sense move. They argue that gas companies should not profit from exporting gas while working-class Americans face the climate crisis. Johnson, a strong supporter of the oil and gas industry, has received significant campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies. While there is bipartisan support for a Senate-passed bill that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as humanitarian aid for Gaza, some lawmakers are concerned that additional conditions, such as lifting the LNG pause, could delay much-needed aid to Ukraine.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned against adding further conditions to the aid package, such as turning it into a loan as suggested by former President Donald Trump and his allies. A pro-Ukraine group called Republicans for Ukraine believes that voting on the Senate-passed bill is the best way forward to ensure timely assistance to Ukraine. They emphasize the urgency of the situation and the need for Congress to pass a bill quickly. While some Democrats do not dismiss the idea of ending the LNG pause as a condition for aid, they express concerns that adding more conditions could lead to delays in providing assistance to Ukraine. Overall, the debate over tying LNG permits to aid for Ukraine reflects broader disagreements between Democrats and Republicans on energy policy, climate change, and foreign aid priorities.

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