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China has refrained from taking a stance on a new defense pact between Russia and North Korea as experts suggest the deal could disrupt regional power dynamics, with Chinese leaders concerned about potential loss of influence over North Korea and instability on the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. has raised concerns about the pact violating U.N. Security Council resolutions and affecting global stability. China appears to be maintaining its distance as Russia and North Korea draw closer with the defense pact that could potentially shift the power balance among the three authoritarian states.

Experts believe China’s leaders are worried about losing influence over North Korea following the signing of the new defense pact between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin. China’s conflicting goals of maintaining peace on the Korean Peninsula while countering the U.S. and Western allies globally may be causing difficulty in formulating a response. Beijing has not commented on the agreement, reiterating its desire to uphold peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and achieve a political settlement between North and South Korea.

China’s response to the Russia-North Korea pact has been described as weak, indicating uncertainty among Chinese officials about the appropriate course of action. While some in Beijing may view the partnership between Russia and North Korea as a method of challenging U.S. dominance, there is also discomfort within China regarding the potential loss of influence over North Korea, the presence of a destabilizing nuclear power in its vicinity, and the risk of bringing European conflicts to the Asian region. Despite these concerns, China has not publicly raised objections to the agreement.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson declined to comment on the new defense pact, stating that it is a matter between two sovereign states. The White House expressed concerns about the agreement violating U.N. Security Council resolutions and impacting support for Ukraine. There is speculation that China may be worried about Russia sharing advanced technology with North Korea, potentially aiding the latter’s weapons program. China, with its leverage over both Russia and North Korea, could seek to impose restrictions on their relationship to address these concerns.

The meeting between Putin and Kim has further complicated the political and military landscape in East Asia, where China has emerged as a dominant power holding significant influence over both North Korea and Russia. This has led to concerns in the U.S. that China could align itself with countries like Russia, North Korea, and Iran to challenge the U.S.-led world order. However, China has denied these allegations, stating its intention to maintain relationships with various countries and avoid forming alliances that could lead to a new Cold War.

The potential strengthening of ties between Putin and Kim poses challenges for China, as it could weaken Beijing’s influence and leave it as the biggest loser in the scenario. This could give North Korea greater freedom and make it less likely to heed Beijing’s calls for restraint, leading to instability while Chinese leader Xi Jinping seeks stability. Despite the uncertainties and potential challenges posed by the Russia-North Korea partnership, experts believe China’s national interests have not been significantly undermined, and Beijing remains focused on maintaining its relationships with key global players while avoiding being drawn into conflicts and power struggles.

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