The article discusses the differences between what the eye sees and what a camera captures in terms of images. Cameras are more sensitive and can pick up different details compared to the naked eye. When using a digital camera, it is recommended to use a wide-angle lens and a wide aperture to let in as much light as possible. The ISO should be set at a higher end, up to 6400, for better sensitivity. Shutter speed is also an important factor, with longer shutter speeds capturing less detail in the image.
A gallery of aurora australis photos posted on Facebook by Luke Tscharke received over 290,000 likes, demonstrating the popularity of such images. The Tasmanian premier was among those who shared the photos. However, The Age deputy picture editor Paul Rovere points out that some images shared online may be artificially enhanced. Rovere provides tips for spotting these doctored images, such as looking for blocky, tile-like squares in saturated colors or horizontal and vertical patterns at the extremes of the image. Over-processed images may exhibit reduced quality, coarse pixels, and loss of detail.
Despite the possibility of image manipulation, Tscharke emphasizes that each photographer has their own artistic vision and editing style. While there may be instances of fakery, it is important to appreciate the work that photographers share and respect their creative choices. Tscharke encourages people to focus on enjoying the beauty of natural spectacles like the aurora australis rather than nitpicking over editing techniques. Ultimately, individual preferences for editing styles differ, and what one person may consider excessive editing, others may appreciate as part of the artistic process.
The article highlights the importance of understanding the technical aspects of photography, such as aperture, ISO, and shutter speed, in capturing high-quality images. By utilizing the recommended settings and equipment, photographers can enhance their ability to capture stunning visuals. Additionally, the discussion on image manipulation raises awareness of the potential for artificially enhanced photos circulating online.
In conclusion, the article delves into the nuances of photography and image editing, particularly in the context of capturing natural phenomena like the aurora australis. It emphasizes the need to appreciate the creativity and artistry of photographers while acknowledging the prevalence of image manipulation in the digital age. By being informed about the technical aspects of photography and developing a discerning eye for edited images, individuals can better navigate the visual landscape online and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty of natural wonders.