Candiace Dillard Bassett, a former cast member of The Real Housewives of Potomac, recently announced that she and her husband, Chris Bassett, are expecting their first child together. This exciting news was shared in an Instagram post on April 15, along with a video revealing the couple’s sonogram. Candiace, who is about 13 weeks into her pregnancy, expressed her gratitude for being able to keep the news private until this point, describing the experience as both weird and wonderful. The couple had been documenting their fertility journey on the show, with Candiace finally having one of their frozen embryos implanted in January.
Reflecting on her decision to move forward with the pregnancy, Candiace explained that she realized she would never be completely ready and that she had to trust the process and her doctors. At 37 years old, she acknowledged her fears but ultimately decided to take a leap of faith with her husband by her side. The couple’s decision to move forward with their fertility treatment together marked a turning point in their journey towards starting a family. Despite the challenges and uncertainties they may have faced, Candiace and Chris chose to trust in the process and embrace the opportunity to become parents.
The news of Candiace’s pregnancy comes just weeks after she announced her departure from The Real Housewives of Potomac ahead of its ninth season. While her time on the show may have come to an end, the next chapter in Candiace’s life promises to be even more special as she embarks on the journey of motherhood. The couple’s joy and excitement at the prospect of welcoming their first child together is evident in the heartfelt announcement they shared with their fans. With a new baby on the way, Candiace and Chris are filled with hope and anticipation for the future.
As Candiace and Chris prepare to become parents, they are grateful for the love and support they have received from their fans and followers. The outpouring of well-wishes and congratulations has touched their hearts and reminded them of the importance of community and connection. While the road to parenthood may have had its share of challenges, the couple’s faith and determination have carried them through, leading them to this moment of joy and celebration. With their baby on the way, Candiace and Chris look forward to embracing all the new experiences and adventures that parenthood will bring.
In the midst of personal and professional transitions, Candiace and Chris are focused on building a strong foundation for their growing family. The love and commitment they share with each other will serve as the bedrock for their journey into parenthood, providing a solid base from which to navigate the challenges and joys that come their way. As they look ahead to the future, Candiace and Chris are excited to welcome their baby and begin this new chapter in their lives. With optimism and gratitude, they are ready to embrace the blessings that await them and create a warm and loving home for their expanding family.