Five-year-old Chloe Guan-Branch, who gained international attention for being born on a flight to Japan in 2015, was found dead in her bed in Ottawa in 2020 after suffering horrific neglect and abuse. Court documents revealed that Chloe endured intense pain due to an abdominal injury, but her mother refused to take her to the hospital because she was already covered in bruises. Justin Cassie-Berube, the ex-boyfriend of Chloe’s mother, was convicted of manslaughter, criminal negligence causing death, failing to provide the necessaries of life, assault causing bodily harm, and assault in connection to her death.
The details of Chloe’s tragic case were previously under a publication ban but were recently made public following a successful appeal by news outlets. Chloe was born on a flight from Calgary to Japan on Mother’s Day in 2015, and her unique birth made global headlines. Several months after her birth, she was taken away from her parents and placed in the care of the Children’s Aid Society due to concerns about parental disputes. Chloe was eventually returned to her mother when she was three years old, and her mother moved to Ottawa to live with Cassie-Berbue.
Guan testified about the abuse Chloe suffered at the hands of Cassie-Berbue, describing incidents of physical violence, including spanking, throwing objects, and other forms of abuse. Throughout their 15-month relationship, Chloe endured significant mistreatment, which escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic when she was isolated at home. Despite her deteriorating state and obvious injuries, Chloe never received the necessary medical attention she needed. On her fifth birthday, she suffered a ruptured bladder, which eventually led to her tragic death.
Chloe’s cause of death was determined to be acute uremia, a condition resulting from a ruptured bladder that causes severe pain, nausea, and vomiting. Cassie-Berbue admitted to violently beating Chloe but claimed he did not punch her in the abdomen. However, investigators were unable to determine the exact cause of the rupture. During his conviction, Cassie-Berbue was found to be untruthful and unreliable in his testimony, with the judge noting numerous contradictions and fabrications in his narrative.
The sentencing hearing for Cassie-Berbue has been scheduled for May 24. Chloe Guan-Branch’s tragic story sheds light on the devastating impact of neglect and abuse on vulnerable children and the importance of recognizing and responding to signs of mistreatment. Her death serves as a heartbreaking reminder of the consequences of failing to protect and care for those who are most in need of support and compassion.