A 12-year-old boy from Weston, Massachusetts, named Stone Fornes reeled in a massive white marlin off the coast of Nantucket, potentially breaking a junior world record. Fornes caught the 118.2-pound fish while fishing with angler Elliot Sudal, surpassing the current record of 102 pounds. The challenging 90-minute battle to reel in the marlin proved to be quite an adventure for Fornes, who described the fish as an acrobat given its acrobatic movements throughout the fight. Sudal, a Nantucket captain with extensive experience, praised Fornes for his impressive accomplishment and the technical finesse required to catch the fish.
The marlin caught by Fornes was cooked with the help of a local restaurant called CRU Oyster Bar Nantucket. Although Fornes typically releases most of what he catches, they decided to cook and eat this particular fish as part of the world record confirmation process. After spending a few days getting the necessary measurements and scientific review, the marlin was cooked by CRU chef Eric Korsh, providing Fornes with what he described as the best meal of his life. Fornes’ parents, Don and Lauren Fornes, acknowledged the determination and passion their son has poured into fishing, highlighting how it has been a transformative experience for him.
The Fornes family emphasized that fishing is more than just a hobby for Stone; it’s a passion that has shaped his character and taught him valuable life lessons. Stone has shown a deep concern for the future of fisheries, engaging with the Nantucket community and sharing his catch with others. His parents see this experience as a growth opportunity that will influence his future pursuits and decisions, recognizing his unique drive and determination. With the support of the Nantucket team, Stone navigated the complexities of logging a world record, demonstrating perseverance and resilience in the process.
An International Game Fish Association representative explained that the record confirmation process typically takes between four to six weeks. Once the application is received, it undergoes an official review process to determine the approval of the record. Despite the bureaucratic steps involved, Stone’s remarkable achievement in catching the white marlin has garnered him respect and admiration within the fishing community. Stone’s passion for fishing, his commitment to conservation, and his willingness to share his catch reflect a level of maturity and responsibility beyond his years, shaping him into a young angler with a bright future ahead.
Stone’s dedication to fishing extends beyond mere catch and release. His interest in connecting with experienced fishermen, reading fishing reports, and advocating for sustainable practices highlights his genuine commitment to the sport. As Stone continues to grow and mature, his parents envision his passion for fishing translating into other areas of his life, forming the foundation for a successful future. The journey toward setting a world record for the white marlin exemplifies Stone’s unwavering determination, resilience, and willingness to take on challenges, qualities that will undoubtedly serve him well in whatever path he chooses to pursue. As Stone reflects on this transformative experience, he understands that while some days may end in disappointment, perseverance and dedication ultimately lead to significant victories and personal growth.