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Russian billionaire Pavel Durov, founder of the secure messaging app Telegram, is offering to cover the cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment for healthy women under 38 who are interested in having a baby using his sperm. The offer is available at the Altra Vita IVF clinic in Moscow, which claims exclusive rights to store and use Durov’s biomaterial. This initiative is described as a generous contribution to society from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.

Durov has made headlines previously for claiming to have more than 100 biological children in 12 countries through sperm bank donations he has made over the past 15 years. He announced his plan to “open-source” his DNA to make it easier for his biological children to find each other. Durov has expressed his belief in the importance of sperm donation, stating that healthy men should consider contributing to help couples trying to conceive. He himself has five children with two ex-girlfriends.

Despite his philanthropic efforts, Durov has faced legal troubles in recent months. He was arrested in France in August and is currently under investigation for charges related to enabling criminal activity on his messaging app, including allegations of drug trafficking, fraud, and the sharing of child pornography. These legal issues have prevented him from leaving the country as authorities continue their inquiries.

Durov’s background as a successful entrepreneur includes his role in developing Telegram, a messaging app with over 950 million users, in 2013. He has a net worth of approximately $15.5 billion, making him the 141st richest person in the world. Durov left Russia after the app was banned from 2018 to 2021 due to his refusal to cooperate with authorities on providing encrypted data. He became a French citizen in 2021 but lived in Dubai until his arrest.

He is not the only high-profile individual to openly discuss sperm donation and reproduction. Other figures, such as Dutch crypto investor Jonathan Meijer and documentary subject Kyle Gordy, have also been involved in similar pursuits. Even the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, has spoken on the topic of in vitro fertilization, stating that it is a more efficient way to have children. Donald Trump has also expressed support for public funding or insurance coverage for IVF procedures.

In conclusion, Pavel Durov’s offer to cover the cost of IVF treatment for women using his sperm showcases his desire to contribute to society and destigmatize sperm donation. Despite his legal issues, Durov remains a prominent figure in the tech industry and continues to make headlines with his unconventional approach to reproduction and family building.

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