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In 1984, President Ronald Reagan visited the Normandy coast of France to honor the Army Rangers who scaled the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc during World War II. His speech became iconic, and forty years later, President Joe Biden plans to visit the same spot to pay tribute to the same heroes. Like Reagan, Biden hopes to align himself with Reagan’s legacy of leadership against tyranny and advocate for American alliances in the face of Russian aggression. This move is bold, as Biden, a Democrat, is invoking the spirit of the Republican legend Reagan to contrast himself with the current head of the Republican Party, Donald Trump.

While Biden will not mention Trump directly, the contrast between their approaches to international relations will be evident. Biden leads an international alliance against Russian aggression, similar to Reagan’s stance, while Trump had a more favorable view of Russian President Vladimir Putin and almost withdrew from NATO. Trump has even shown reluctance to provide military aid to Ukraine. In contrast, Reagan’s speech at Pointe du Hoc in 1984 condemned Soviet activities in Europe and emphasized the importance of defending Europe against expansionist regimes.

Reagan’s speech at Pointe du Hoc was powerful and moving, impressing even members of Walter Mondale’s Democratic team, despite their political differences. Biden’s task at Normandy will be to link the challenges of World War II to the current threats faced by the US and emphasize the defense of Europe as essential to America’s interests. While there’s a high standard set by Reagan’s speech, Biden still has an opportunity to echo that moment and underscore the historical relevance of the event to the present time.

Biden’s speech at Normandy will touch upon timeless principles that have shaped American security and democracy for generations. Although Biden had been critical of Reagan’s foreign policy in the past, he now sees value in invoking Reagan’s legacy in contrast to the approach taken by Trump. The selection of the Pointe du Hoc location for his speech has raised questions among some analysts, who worry that it invites unwelcome comparisons between Biden and Reagan. However, Biden’s team has crafted the address to resonate with the American people and scheduled it to air at a time conducive to reaching a wide audience back home.

While Reagan enjoyed a comfortable political position during his Normandy visit, Biden faces a closer re-election battle against Trump. This visit will be an opportunity for Biden to draw on Reagan’s legacy of leadership and emphasize the importance of American alliances in the face of current challenges. Despite the potential risks, Biden’s decision to visit Normandy and honor the heroes who fought there during WWII demonstrates his commitment to international alliances and the defense of democracy.

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