President Joe Biden is embarking on a three-day campaign swing through Pennsylvania, framing the election as a choice between his “kitchen table” Scranton outlook and Donald Trump’s “Mar-a-Lago vision.” The trip will set up a stark contrast between Biden on the campaign trail and Trump in a New York City courtroom for his criminal trial. Biden campaign officials are emphasizing the difference between Biden’s focus on Americans’ concerns and Trump’s self-centered agenda of revenge and retribution.
Biden’s push in Pennsylvania comes as he aims to appeal to voters who are dissatisfied with Trump’s handling of the economy. Recent polling shows a close race between Biden and Trump less than seven months before Election Day. Biden plans to deliver a speech heavy on economic populism, highlighting the differences in tax policy between himself and Trump. Biden intends to criticize Trump’s tax plan as a handout to the rich that leaves the middle class shouldering the burden, while advocating for raising taxes on the wealthy to fund social priorities while protecting those making less than $400,000 a year.
The contrast between Biden’s Scranton upbringing and Trump’s wealthy Mar-a-Lago lifestyle has been a recurring theme in the campaign. The president will travel to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia to continue pushing his economic message as he seeks to appeal to voters by emphasizing his working-class roots. Biden aims to distinguish himself from Trump by releasing his tax return for 2023, in contrast to Trump’s refusal to voluntarily release his tax returns as president.
Ahead of Biden’s trip, the campaign is investing heavily in Pennsylvania, particularly in driving turnout in Philadelphia. The campaign has opened 14 new offices in the state in March and is focusing on training volunteers and hiring staff to support Biden’s efforts. The campaign is also targeting specific areas in Pennsylvania, including Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) and York and Lancaster counties, where opportunities for Democratic growth have been identified. The campaign strategy memo emphasizes Biden’s support for unions, abortion rights, and democracy as key issues that will resonate with Pennsylvania voters.
Trump sought to preempt Biden’s economic message by touting the 2017 tax cuts and criticizing Biden’s plans to raise taxes for the wealthy and corporations. The president’s events in Pennsylvania this week come as his campaign continues to build out its infrastructure in the state, with a particular focus on engaging voters in key areas. The Biden campaign is positioning itself to appeal to a diverse range of voters in Pennsylvania, capitalizing on Trump’s perceived alienation of crucial voter demographics in the state. The campaign is optimistic about its chances in Pennsylvania and is working strategically to secure a victory in November.