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The Biden administration is concerned that Israel is not taking advantage of its current opportunity to defeat Hamas in Gaza, potentially allowing the group to strengthen its hold on the region. Top officials have publicly criticized Israel’s strategy, stating that it has failed to hold cleared areas in Gaza, alienated the civilian population, and allowed Hamas to recruit more fighters. The U.S. had been privately urging Israel to change its tactics since the war began in October, but the frustration has now spilled into the open, widening the rift between Washington and Jerusalem.

Despite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement that Hamas must be eliminated for Gaza’s future, recent U.S. intelligence indicates that such a victory may not be achievable. While Hamas has suffered losses in terms of communication and military capabilities, a significant number of its fighters remain, and most of its tunnels are still intact. Additionally, Hamas has been able to recruit thousands of new fighters during the conflict, allowing the group to withstand Israeli offensives.

Senior U.S. officials have expressed skepticism about Israel’s ability to achieve a decisive victory against Hamas. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that an Israeli withdrawal could lead to chaos and a resurgence of Hamas. Former top military officials have also voiced concerns, noting the need for a comprehensive plan beyond just defeating Hamas militarily. They argue that Israel must also address the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian population and prevent radicalization that could benefit Hamas.

The failure to provide adequate humanitarian aid to Gaza has worsened conditions for civilians in the region, potentially driving them into the arms of Hamas. Western officials believe that Israel’s strategy of large-scale military operations may backfire, playing into Hamas’ hands. Israeli operations, including the recent military activities in Rafah and Jabalia, have confused Western officials, who question whether Israel has the capacity to clear and hold urban areas in Gaza effectively.

Retired Gen. Joseph Votel has criticized Israel for not reaching out to Arab nations for help in securing Gaza post-conflict. He emphasized the importance of establishing a reliable partner force to prevent Hamas from regaining control in cleared areas. Despite Israel’s military efforts to degrade Hamas’ capabilities, the group still maintains significant ground and continues to pose a threat. The lack of a comprehensive strategy that addresses the humanitarian needs of Gaza’s population may hinder Israel’s ability to achieve long-term success against Hamas.

In conclusion, the Biden administration and Western officials are increasingly concerned that Israel’s current strategy in Gaza may not lead to a decisive victory against Hamas. While Israel has made gains in degrading Hamas’ capabilities, the group continues to recruit fighters and maintain control in the region. Without a clear plan to address humanitarian needs and establish a partner force to stabilize Gaza post-conflict, Israel’s current approach may ultimately fail to eliminate the threat posed by Hamas.

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