Ben Affleck has been spotted wearing his wedding ring again days after removing it, amid rumors about his marriage with Jennifer Lopez. The actor was seen wearing the ring on his left hand while entering his rental home in California. Lopez’s ex-husband, Jennifer Garner, was also spotted at the property. Reports suggest that Affleck and Lopez recently moved out of their purchased home, but neither has addressed the relocation publicly. The couple was seen wearing their wedding rings while attending a school function for one of Affleck’s children, following reports of their split.
Sources close to the couple have revealed that Affleck and Lopez have been facing issues in their marriage for a few months. Lopez’s focus on work, as she prepares for her upcoming tour, is said to have contributed to the strain in their relationship. Despite their differences, sources claim that the couple is not planning to separate and are working on their relationship. Affleck and Lopez exchanged vows in July 2022 during a trip to Las Vegas, followed by a second wedding with family and friends the following month.
Affleck and Lopez first began dating in the early 2000s after meeting on the set of Gigli. They had a public romance following Lopez’s divorce from Cris Judd and got engaged. However, they called off their wedding in 2003 and split in 2004. Lopez has been married multiple times, with marriages to Ojani Noa, Cris Judd, and Marc Anthony. She shares twin children with Anthony and divorced him in 2014. Affleck was previously married to Jennifer Garner, with whom he shares three children. They announced their split in 2015 and finalized their divorce in 2018.
The couple’s recent public appearances, wearing their wedding rings, have sparked speculation about the status of their relationship. Despite facing challenges in their marriage, sources claim that Affleck and Lopez are committed to working on their issues. Lopez’s upcoming tour and work commitments have reportedly caused tensions in their relationship, but they are trying to overcome these challenges. Affleck’s decision to wear his wedding ring again may indicate his willingness to work on his marriage with Lopez despite the rumors. Lopez’s tour is set to begin in June, and it remains to be seen how their relationship will evolve in the coming weeks.