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A city water service provider recently released a viral video featuring a parody song by the Backstreet Boys to raise awareness about local watering rules. The “Splashstreet Boys” sang “Water That Way,” a take on the hit song “I Want it That Way,” advising people not to water when it’s raining or windy. The popular boy band members themselves praised the video, calling it a success. Denver Water employee Jimmy Luthye came up with the idea a couple of years ago and was inspired by his love for boy band music. The city’s summer watering restrictions began recently, and the song’s lyrics also remind people not to water during the day to prevent water evaporating.

The parody video promotes “Coloradoscape,” a type of climate-friendly landscaping that many homes in the southwest use to conserve water. Luthye mentioned that video editing helped make the choreography look better. The public’s reception to the video has been positive, with many praising the creativity and humor in the music video. Denver Water is already considering a follow-up video for next year, as they were overwhelmed by the unexpected popularity of the first video. The city’s full summer watering rules are available for residents to view, and summer officially began on June 20.

The “Splashstreet Boys” video was released on Denver Water’s Instagram and quickly gained attention from the public. The humorous take on the Backstreet Boys’ classic song was a hit among viewers, who appreciated the effort to raise awareness about watering rules in a creative way. The video’s success was unexpected, and Luthye admitted that he was surprised by the positive reception they received. Despite the minimal amount of practice, the video was well-received, and many people commended the creativity of the municipal infrastructure employees behind the project.

The parody song’s lyrics not only encourage people to follow local watering restrictions but also highlight the importance of conserving water by avoiding unnecessary watering during the day. By mentioning “Coloradoscape,” the video promotes climate-friendly landscaping practices that can help save water. Luthye’s fondness for boy band music led to the idea for the video, and he is considering a follow-up video for the future. The video’s success has been overwhelming for Denver Water, but they are pleased with the positive feedback and the impact it has had in spreading awareness about water conservation.

The creative and humorous approach taken by Denver Water in creating the “Splashstreet Boys” video has resonated with the public, generating a buzz on social media platforms. The collaboration with the Backstreet Boys on the parody song “Water That Way” brought attention to the importance of following watering rules and conserving water during the summer months. The positive reception of the video has encouraged Denver Water to consider future projects that can engage and educate the community about water conservation. With summer officially underway and watering restrictions in place, the video serves as a reminder for residents to be mindful of their water usage and adopt sustainable practices to preserve this valuable resource.

In conclusion, Denver Water’s innovative approach to raising awareness about watering rules through a viral video featuring a parody song by the Backstreet Boys has been well-received by the public. The video’s humorous take on the popular 90s boy band’s hit song has captured the attention of viewers and effectively communicated the importance of conserving water during the summer months. By promoting climate-friendly landscaping practices and emphasizing the need to follow watering restrictions, the video has sparked conversations about water conservation and sustainability. The unexpected success of the video has inspired Denver Water to explore future projects that can engage and educate the community about responsible water usage. With summer in full swing, the video serves as a timely reminder for residents to be conscious of their water consumption and take steps towards protecting this vital natural resource.

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