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The Scanlon Foundation’s 2023 Mapping Social Cohesion survey revealed that one in three respondents of non-English background reported personal experiences of discrimination based on skin colour, ethnicity, or religion. Despite acknowledging racist elements within society, labeling Australia as a “racist country” is deemed unwarranted. The survey also indicated that 84% of respondents believe in the importance of freedom from discrimination, with 86% agreeing that multiculturalism has been good for Australia and 85% supporting the inclusion of Indigenous histories and cultures in the school curriculum. While racism is embedded in Australia’s history, progress towards greater racial harmony has been observed over the past century.

The failure of the Voice to parliament referendum last year was not a result of inherent racism within the country, but rather effective fear-mongering tactics used by the No campaign. Politicians play a role in sowing doubt and fear within the community, and progress towards racial sensitivity and inclusivity remains a work in progress. Despite efforts to address racial insensitivity within society, challenges persist, with some individuals using skin color as a basis for shutting down opinions. It is crucial to recognize that racism can manifest in various forms and affect individuals regardless of their background.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s proposal to reduce immigration as a solution to various societal challenges may be simplistic and convenient, potentially appealing to racist sentiments but not inherently racist. While politicians often exploit economic hardships to appeal to the electorate through divisive rhetoric, attributing political success to racism oversimplifies the complexities of human behavior. It is essential to approach discussions about immigration and societal issues with nuance and empathy, rather than resorting to sweeping generalizations that may breed resentment and defensiveness within society.

The history of Australia’s political landscape reflects successful rhetoric that preys on fears about immigration, highlighting the complexity of human behavior and attitudes towards diversity. While some political progressives may be quick to label certain segments of society as racist, this divisive rhetoric only perpetuates animosity and inhibits productive dialogue. It is crucial to approach discussions around racism and discrimination with an open mind and a willingness to engage in thoughtful analysis and reflection. Progress towards greater racial harmony requires ongoing effort and a commitment to understanding and addressing societal challenges in a collaborative and inclusive manner.

Gary Newman, a Melbourne-based filmmaker, journalist, and communications specialist, emphasizes the importance of nuanced discussions about race and immigration in shaping a more inclusive and understanding society. While acknowledging the persistence of racial challenges and discrimination in Australia, he highlights the progress made towards greater racial sensitivity and inclusivity over the past century. Encouraging individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue and reflection on these complex issues is essential in fostering a more united and harmonious society.

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