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Archaeologists in Slovakia have uncovered a lost medieval settlement and unique Roman finds on the site of a future industrial park near the town of Rimavská Sobota. The team, led by Eva Fottová, identified the remains of a medieval settlement dating from the 11th to 13th centuries, as well as an older settlement from the late Roman era dating to the third to fourth century. The medieval village is contained within the area of the settlement from late antiquity, with evidence suggesting it may have been agrarian oriented and potentially founded as a horse-breeding community, based on the name of the historic settlement.

The medieval settlement at the site consists of pits and wells containing archaeological finds such as local white clay pottery. In contrast, the Roman-era settlement appears to have been focused on metallurgy, with the discovery of furnaces for processing ore, metallurgical debris, and various semi-finished products. These findings provide a valuable record of the iron smelting process in the late antiquity period and are the first of their kind in the area. This settlement is the first from the Roman era to be systematically investigated in the southern portion of central Slovakia, shedding light on the inhabitants’ engagement in bog ore exploitation and iron smelting using simple furnaces dug into the ground. Multiple furnaces were preserved with some still containing slag inside.

The researchers suspect that the medieval settlement corresponds to a place known as Kľačany, which is only mentioned in a document from 1557 as defunct due to Turkish raids. The team made significant discoveries at the site, including evidence of metallurgical activities in the Roman-era settlement, which adds to the understanding of the historical development of the region. The presence of unique furnaces and other artifacts provides valuable insights into the daily lives and economic activities of the inhabitants during these periods. The archaeological findings contribute to the knowledge of the area’s past and offer a glimpse into the lives of those who lived in the medieval and Roman settlements near Rimavská Sobota.

The discovery of the medieval and Roman settlements in Slovakia sheds light on the historical development of the region and the economic activities of its inhabitants. The archaeological findings provide a glimpse into the daily lives of the people who lived in these settlements and offer valuable insights into the iron smelting process during the late antiquity period. The unique nature of the furnaces and artifacts found at the site adds to the understanding of the cultural and economic significance of the area during medieval and Roman times. The systematic investigation of the settlement represents an important contribution to the study of archaeology in central Slovakia, providing a deeper understanding of its past.

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