Summarize this content to 2000 words in 6 paragraphs in Arabic Rescuers and the operational headquarters completed the construction of a technical structure around the grounded tanker Volganeft-239 on Friday.”The road around the vessel will provide access to it, will become a reliable barrier to the possible spread of oil products into the sea and will allow the pumping out of fuel oil,” the operational headquarters stated.Work to eliminate the fuel oil spill continues in the Krchensky Strait, in the Krasnodar Territory, in Crimea and Sevastopol. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 167,282 tons of contaminated sand and soil have been collected, 127,282 tons have been removed. Rescuers are monitoring more than 910 kilometers of the Black Sea coast.On December 15, two Russian ‘Volgoneft’ tankers carrying oil products sank in the Kerch Strait. One of the ships broke in half.The sailors were evacuated, but one died from hypothermia. Experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences estimate that approximately 1,500 tons of fuel oil leaked from each tanker.
rewrite this title in Arabic Video. Efforts to Contain Oil Spill from Grounded Tanker Advance with Technical Barrier Completion
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