Apple is gearing up to overhaul its MacBook lineup with the introduction of the Apple Silicon M4 chipset for macOS and MacBook Pro models. The current M3 technology lacks Artificial Intelligence capabilities that are present in flagship ARM chipsets for smartphones. Windows manufacturers, including Microsoft, are expected to release laptops using Qualcomm’s X Elite chipset, which will offer improved AI performance and power benefits comparable to Apple Silicon driving macOS hardware.
Apple is expected to release a low-end 14-inch MacBook Pro and high-end 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros later this year, along with updates to the iMac and macMini. However, there is no mention of a MacBook Air update in the mix, as the Pro laptops and iPhone 16 models are expected to debut new AI-infused Apple Silicon. Supply constraints may make it challenging to introduce the Air in the mix due to the high demand for the Pro laptops with the latest silicon chipsets.
According to Apple reporter Mark Gurman, the M4 MacBook Pro laptops are expected to debut at the end of 2024 for the low-end Pro laptop and towards the end of 2024 and early 2025 for the premium models. Additionally, the MacBook Air is expected to receive an update around spring 2025, with the M3 MacBook Air serving as the leading consumer-focused laptop for another eleven months. Apple plans to transition its entire Mac range to the M4 chipset as soon as possible to provide AI capabilities at every price point.
With Mac sales falling by 27 percent in the previous financial year and revenue remaining flat in the crucial fourth quarter of 2023, Apple is banking on the focus on AI to attract consumers to the macOS platform and encourage upgrades from existing hardware. The upcoming Worldwide Developer Conference in June will showcase Apple’s vision of AI on its mobile platforms, including MacOS. Consumers are advised to wait and compare Apple’s AI approach with Microsoft’s and how it improves the current standards in the Windows ecosystem before making any major purchases.
In conclusion, Apple’s plans to introduce the M4 chipset for macOS and MacBook Pro models signify a leap forward in AI capabilities for its laptops. The tech giant aims to stay competitive against Windows manufacturers and offer consumers a compelling reason to switch to the MacOS platform or upgrade from existing hardware. The transition to the M4 chipset across the entire Mac range is expected to be swift, emphasizing Apple’s commitment to providing AI capabilities at every price point. It will be interesting to see how Apple’s approach to AI technology compares to Microsoft’s and how it will impact the consumer market in the coming months.