Apple made a significant announcement on Tuesday, revealing new versions of its iPad Air and iPad Pro tablets in a video posted on its website. Apple CEO Tim Cook described it as the biggest day for iPad since its inception. The new iPad models are the first to be released since 2022, marking the longest period without an update in the iPad product line’s history. The iPad Pro, Apple’s more advanced tablet, will be available in 11-inch and 13-inch sizes, with the company highlighting its thinness at 5.1mm. Pricing for the smaller model starts at $999, while the larger 13-inch model begins at $1299 with 256GB of storage, a slight increase from previous models. Additionally, Apple introduced the Magic Keyboard, an aluminum case with a keyboard and trackpad that aims to provide a laptop-like experience when using the iPad Pro, priced at $249 or $299 depending on the size. An updated stylus called the Apple Pencil Pro was also unveiled at $129.
The new iPad models feature the M4 chip, an upgrade from the M3 chip powering Apple’s laptops currently. Apple emphasized the M4’s powerful capabilities for AI tasks, such as isolating subjects from backgrounds in videos. The iPad Pro tablets will utilize OLED displays, known for vibrant colors and brightness, as well as a technology called “tandem OLED” to create the screens, branded as Ultra Retina XDR. Particularly appealing to professional video producers, Apple introduced the Final Cut Camera app for controlling multiple iPhone cameras, along with a 12-megapixel rear camera capable of recording 4K video. Notable updates to the camera’s flash aim to enhance document scanning. The preorder for the new tablets and accessories is available now, with sales starting next week.
Apple’s iPad Air is introduced in 11-inch and 13-inch sizes, both featuring the M2 chip. Priced at $599 for 128GB of storage for the smaller model and $799 for the larger one, the iPad Air maintains its status as a more affordable option compared to the iPad Pro. Notable changes to the iPad Air include moving the front-facing camera to the longer side of the device to enhance video conferencing, aligning with the more premium iPad Pro models. The iPad Air will be in stores next week and comes in various colors like blue, purple, and gold. In a move to make their products more accessible, Apple reduced the price of its entry-level iPad from $429 to $349.
Overall, Apple’s announcement signals a significant evolution in its iPad product line, with a focus on enhanced performance, design, and features. The introduction of new chips, displays, and accessories like the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro showcase Apple’s commitment to innovation and meeting the needs of users, particularly professionals in creative industries. The emphasis on AI capabilities, camera upgrades, and display technologies positions the new iPad models as powerful tools for a range of applications, from content creation to productivity. The pricing adjustments for the iPad Air and entry-level iPad underscore Apple’s dedication to delivering value to consumers across different budget ranges. With the new tablets and accessories set to hit the market soon, Apple continues to demonstrate its leadership in the tablet market and its ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of technology and user experience.