Anya Taylor-Joy, known for her unconventional wedding to Malcolm McRae, recently stunned in a sheer bridal dress at the Cannes Film Festival. The actor, who is promoting the Mad Max prequel, Furiosa, chose a dress from Simon Porte Jacquemus’s bridal collection, “Le Mariage,” for the occasion. The strapless dress featured floral appliqués and a dramatic train, paired with white lace-up heels and a large straw sun hat tied with a black ribbon, giving off a seaside wedding vibe.
Taylor-Joy has been embracing coastal glamour during her time at Cannes, opting for dramatic sun hats and pastoral pieces. She arrived in a burnt orange micro-pleated dress with a massive woven Jacquemus hat, followed by a button-through skirt paired with a Peter Pan-collared blouse. The sheer wedding dress she wore at the festival combined with her other outfits showcase a range of styles that the actor is known for pulling off effortlessly.
The actor’s style choices at Cannes have been turning heads and leaving fans eagerly anticipating what she will wear next. Despite her role in the Mad Max franchise, Taylor-Joy has been deviating from her hardened, leather-heavy Furiosa look in favor of more romantic and feminine ensembles. Her ability to effortlessly switch from one style to another while maintaining her signature glamorous edge has solidified her status as a fashion icon.
Taylor-Joy’s Cannes appearances have been a mix of haute couture and casual elegance, with each outfit offering a unique take on the traditional red carpet look. Whether she is wearing a sheer wedding dress or a button-through skirt, the actor manages to make a statement and captivate audiences with her fashion choices. Her ability to seamlessly transition between different styles while maintaining her own flair sets her apart from other celebrities at the festival.
With her continued success on screen and her burgeoning reputation as a fashion icon, Anya Taylor-Joy’s Cannes appearance has only solidified her status as a rising star in both the entertainment and fashion industries. Fans can expect to see more stunning looks from the actor as she continues to promote her projects and attend high-profile events. Taylor-Joy’s ability to effortlessly blend high fashion with her own personal style has made her a standout presence on the red carpet and a trendsetter in the world of celebrity fashion.