Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani’s wedding festivities have already begun, leading up to their July wedding. The celebrations kicked off with a grand hastakshar in March at the Ambani family home in Jamnagar, Gujarat. In May, the couple continued the festivities with a four-day cruise through the Mediterranean. The guest list of 1,200 included friends, family, employees of Reliance Industries and Encore Healthcare, and even the family doctors. The couple wanted to honor those who have contributed to their lives in various ways.
Choosing a European location for the event was an easy decision for the couple, as many of their guests were unable to attend the hastakshar in India due to the distance. They settled on a cruise ship as the venue to accommodate their large group of guests. The events began in Palermo, Sicily, with a welcome lunch, followed by a starry-night-themed formal party that night as they sailed up the Italian coast. The Backstreet Boys surprised guests with a concert. The following day was spent in Rome, and the Ambanis held a toga party back on deck, paying homage to their college years at NYU and Brown.
For the first event, Radhika wore a gown designed by Robert Wun that featured a love letter Anant wrote to her when she was 22 printed on the chiffon fabric. The couple wanted to capture their love story and share it with future generations. Radhika also wore a custom “toga” designed by New York-based designer Grace Ling for the toga party, which included an aerospace aluminum breastplate made to mimic drapery. Ling attended Parsons School of Design at the same time Radhika was at NYU, adding a personal touch to the gown. The groom’s mother, Nita Ambani, wore a design by Schiaparelli for the events.
The cruise was a retreat for the couple’s guests who have been a part of their lives in various ways. Radhika expressed her desire for couture to come from America, not just Europe, through her choice of emerging New York-based designer Grace Ling for her gown. The celebrations included a mix of formal and themed parties, creating a memorable experience for the guests. The couple wanted to create a unique atmosphere that reflected their own personalities and brought their friends and family together for a special destination celebration. The events leading up to Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani’s wedding showcased their love story and unique sense of style.