The unrest on college campuses in the US is being driven partly by a opposition to a Democratic president’s support for Israel, reminiscent of the protests during the 1968 national convention in Chicago. The pro-Palestinian movement among young Americans is growing and extends beyond views of the Middle East, posing a significant threat to President Joe Biden’s campaign against Donald Trump. Despite being part of the Democratic base, Biden is 11 percentage points behind Trump among young voters aged 18-34, according to a recent CNN poll.
Half of all registered voters in the poll were satisfied with their presidential candidate options, but only 37% of younger voters expressed satisfaction. More than one-fifth of young voters support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in an independent bid, with older voters less likely to support him. Biden’s approval ratings on various issues are low, especially his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, which yielded only 28% approval among voters under 35 and even lower approval among Democrats.
Young Americans overwhelmingly view Biden’s presidency as a failure, with 68% expressing this sentiment in the poll. Despite Biden’s efforts to address issues important to young voters, such as student debt relief, his approval ratings are still low among this demographic. However, some polling context provided by CNN’s polling director Jennifer Agiesta highlights that not all young people vote, and their views are not consistently reflected in polls.
According to Republican pollster Frank Luntz, young Americans have a negative view of American democracy, with few seeing Biden or Trump as viable role models. Only 38% of younger Americans are satisfied with their personal financial situations, compared to 65% of voters aged 65 and over. Harvard University’s nationwide poll of young Americans also reflects this pessimism, with fewer than 10% believing the nation is headed in the right direction, compared to over 20% four years ago.
The erosion of optimism among young Americans during Biden’s presidency presents a challenge for him and the Democrats leading up to the election. Despite efforts to address their concerns, such as student debt relief, Biden’s approval ratings are low among young voters, reflecting a broader disillusionment with politics and societal issues. The impact of this disenchantment on the election outcome remains to be seen, but it underscores the need for politicians to engage and address the concerns of younger generations.